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Azeem,Pracs,SMR,Guybrush - Printable Version

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Azeem,Pracs,SMR,Guybrush - Desert Sleet - 03-23-2005

I expect you will have time to read this post from me, on behalf of all the members of this forum, who are eager and waiting for your response . However, please keep in mind that I personally think you are an undying inspiration to ALL members here, both male and female. You all carry yourself with the poise and dignity that most people only wish they could.

So dear Azeem,Pracs,SMR,Guybrush where are you all . I hope everything is fine.

“Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above it.”

- Azeem Shah Khan - 03-23-2005

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Desert Sleet</i>
<br />I expect you will have time to read this post from me, on behalf of all the members of this forum, who are eager and waiting for your response . However, please keep in mind that I personally think you are an undying inspiration to ALL members here, both male and female. You all carry yourself with the poise and dignity that most people only wish they could.

So dear Azeem,Pracs,SMR,Guybrush where are you all . I hope everything is fine.

“Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above it.”
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Dear Cheema Sahib

Thanks for the concern and appreciation.

Being the main man behind all payroll activity processed through the firm i work for, i m having lots of fun with some of my payroll clients during the Payroll Year End (P35 Annual Return Form) activity (since you are based in UK you would know how pleasing this activity is)[)]

I think it is about time I must stop winging over time constraints, it is about time I must accept an accountant can never live a NORMAL life [)]

I am also eager to see Pracs, Guybrush, Goodman, DT and SMR back. Hope things are well on their sides. I believe Pracs is in UK now.

Kind regards

"You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now."

- derivativetrader - 03-27-2005

I'm also very busy these days in variety of things. So, would remain out of action for some more time. However, I do reply occasionally to some topics that I think may need urgent answer.


- Pracs - 03-28-2005

Thank you for your appreciation, though I have really been a lazy hand and not contributing alot for quite some time. The excuse ofcourse is an excuse,, just hopping around countries,.. been out of Dubai, Lahore and now London. Some big changes in Life.

Just trying to fit in to the London life, the underground, the whether, the small houses and for the first time in a long time no CARS !

Guybrush, SMR ?? guys you OK I hope

Kudos to Desert sleet for having filled in very well.

"Allah does not change the state of people unless they change what is within themselves" Quran 1311

- smraza - 03-28-2005

Dear all,
thanks for the appreciation, actually I was off for a long leave (with family) [although it is amazing to have long leave with family being an accountant D], when i rejoined office a week ago, i found my system totally crashed and then i decided to change the same, now instead of getting desktop again i have purchased laptop, and the problem which i faced with the laptop was i had windows XP (home edition) instead of professional edition, and home edition could not be configured with the LAN, so i had limited access to the internet (using the dialup connection)
Anyways, i have lot of work to do nowadays, an ocean of papers and documents waiting for me on my table, etc. etc. etc.

Now i am expected to be free within a month, and afterwards try to participate in the forum. take care.



- kamranACA - 09-28-2009


The forum is missing all these nice persons.

I wish if we can do something to get them back once again. They all are very busy men but the days when they were active members were the golden days of this forum.


Brother you are at London, we know. We will be obliged if you would be of some help in bringing these seasoned, learned and dedicated people back to this forum.


Dear although we acknowledge you have quite a busy schedule at EY, London; still, we wish you to pay attention to the request.

Desert sleet,

You have been one of the icons at this forum. Please come back if you read this request. Forum needs a genious like you my brother.

Dear All,

It will be a very nice step if we can invite all the assets to rejoin the activity. I still miss Ali Akbar, Mahmood Chaudry, DT, XBRL and others. I must request Abdur Rehman (KPMG Islamabad) to bring Ali Akbar back as well. We know he had undergone very difficult times. Still, life has to go on.

Other nice fellows that had been very good participants are also requested to rejoin even if they can invest a meager amount of time.

The people who want to re-invite these members or some others are requested to post their views as well.



- Sitara - 09-28-2009

Although it is very old post 2005. I really from bottom of my heart want all these seniors member to come again and contribute.

- ali4u3 - 10-07-2009

Well, Finally i m back and promise that i'll participate regularly

- kamranACA - 10-07-2009

Thanks Ali!

BTW where have you been for so long? Would you like to discuss the accomplishments during the intervening period, if any?

Thanks once again.

Yes, please make an effort to bring the other guys back specially artistic people like Azeem Shah Khan. We wish to be apprised about them as well.



- Sitara - 10-08-2009


Thanks Ali4u3 for coming beck. We welcome you again.