
CITs told to expedite refund claims

ISLAMABAD (November 11 2005): A Commissioner of Income Tax (CIT) has faced strict departmental action for creating hurdles in the issuance of refund to the taxpayer.

Official sources told Business Recorder here on Thursday that Central Board of Revenue (CBR) Chairman Abdullah Yousuf has conveyed to other senior income tax officials that strict action would be taken against them if found guilty of maladministration.

He directed the commissioners for speedy disposal of refund claims and made it clear that action would be taken against officers who would create problems in issuance of genuine refund.

The CBR chairman also referred to the action taken against one senior departmental officer in such a situation.

The field formations should clear all refund claims by December 31. In case of any pendency, the concerned commissioner would be held responsible.

It has also been decided that refunds would not be issued in cases where the deduction is made at source (like electricity bills).

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