
Procedure to deal with complaints against income tax cases audit

ISLAMABAD (December 01 2002) : The Central Board of Revenue (CBR) has announced income tax procedure for the taxpayers whose cases were erroneously selected for total audit under Self-Assessment Scheme (SAS) for 2002-2003, says an income tax circular issued on Saturday.

The CBR recently held computer ballot for the selection of cases for total audit. However, there is possibility that cases not qualifying for the laid down SAS criteria or cases not legally available for selection (salary and property income only) due to some error or omission.

The CBR has asked all such taxpayers to immediately contact the concerned Regional Commissioner of Income Tax (RCIT) where cases for total audit were wrongly selected through random ballot.

According to circular 15/2002, the RCITs have been directed by the CBR to nominate income tax officials in each Zone to deal with such matters.

The taxpayers, whose cases have been incorrectly selected through random ballot, should inform the concerned officials in writing about their complaint. The applications of these taxpayers would be processed on priority for rectifying the error.

The circular added that the CBR has taken every precautionary measure to select only those cases which qualify under the SAS for total audit. Yet there is a possibility that due to some human or mechanical error, cases not qualifying for SAS might have wrongly been selected in the ballot.

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