
Kamran Shahzad Appointed Deputy Governor of SBP

KARACHI (March 13 2009): The federal government has appointed Muhammad Kamran Shehzad as Deputy Governor, State Bank of Pakistan with immediate effect for a period of three years.

Prior to his appointment as SBP Deputy Governor, Kamran was serving SBP Banking Services Corporation as its Managing Director since February 28, 2007.

Kamran Shehzads distinguished central/commercial banking career spreads over a period of more than 34 years. He has also served SBP as its Executive Director from June, 2006 till February, 2007. Kamran holds Masters degree in Business Administration and Economics from the Punjab University, besides holding diploma in Banking (DAIBP) from IBP.

His professional experience prior to joining SBP covers a period of over 22 years. He has played a vital role in implementation of Financial Sector Reforms and transformation of banking system to a strong dynamic and vibrant banking sector. Kamran is also the pioneer of establishment of Shariah compliant Islamic banks. He has represented SBP in various national and international conferences.

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