
ICAP elects new President for 2008-09

The Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountant of Pakistan in its meeting held on August 26th 2008 elected office bearers for the year 2008-09.

The Council unanimously elected Mr. Asad Ali Shah as President of the Institute and Mr. Farrukh Viqaruddin Junaidy as Vice President – South and Mr. Rashid Rahman Mir as Vice President – North.

Mr. Asad Ali Shah is a fellow member of the Institute and during the past seven years has remained one of the active members of the Council, Investigation Committee, Examination Committee, Quality Assurance Board (QAB) and Committee on financial sector. He brings with him vast experience at national and international level and has represented the Institute at various international forums such as International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) annual meetings with standard setters, United Nations group of experts on accounting and financial reporting and South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA). He has been representing ICAP with national regulators and has participated in various high level committees. He has also worked as a Chairman on working group on Corporate Governance of SAFA which has issued “Best Practice on Corporate Governance of South Asian Region”. He is frequently invite to speak on the subjects of Corporate Governance, Internal control, Risk management, professional standards, anti-corruption and anti- fraud programs, controls macro-economy and governance of the country.

Mr. Farrukh Viqaruddin Junaidy is a Fellow Member of the Institute. He is associated with Junaidy Alam Iqbal, Chartered Accountants since June 2007 as Senior Partner of the firm. Prior to this he served as Partner of Taseer Hadi Khalid Co. Chartered Accountants, a member firm of KPMG International.

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