
ACCA and WWF Organize Green Economy Forum Pakistan 2013

ISLAMABAD (June 06, 2013) – ACCA and WWF Pakistan yesterday hosted the Green Economy Forum in Islamabad. The event attracted 150 participants including some CEOs, CFOs, ACCA members and other professionals from corporate, public sector and practice, NGOs and Media.

The discussion forum ‘Corporate Pakistan Leadership in the Green Economy’, was led by industry experts including Javed Jabbar, Former Global Vice President, IUCN, Asif Jooma, chief executive, ICI Pakistan Ltd, Mehran Mirza, CEO, Premier Oil Pakistan Holdings B.V., Amr Ali Reda, Country CEO Lafarge Pakistan Cement Ltd., Irfan Tariq, Director General Environment, Ministry of Climate Change and Arif Masud Mirza, head of ACCA Pakistan. The moderator of the panel discussion was Sidra Iqbal, TV Anchor.

The eleventh annual ACCA-WWF Pakistan Environmental Reporting Awards 2012 ceremony also held on the same day recognised and awarded companies that report on corporate environmental, social and sustainability performance to a broad range of stakeholders.  The winners for 2012 were ICI Pakistan Limited, winner sustainability report, Engro Corporation Limited, runner-up sustainability reporting, Atlas Honda Limited, winner environmental report and Qarshi Industries Limited runner up environmental report.

The Chief Guest of the event, Marc-André Franche, Country Director UNDP Pakistan  said “I congratulate ACCA Pakistan and WWF Pakistan for holding the Pakistan Environmental Reporting Award ceremony for the past 11 years and also look forward to the launch of awards for companies which make valuable contribution to climate compatible development and associated research. UNDP would be very happy to support such an initiative.”

Arif Masud Mirza, head of ACCA Pakistan said that businesses in the country have to start realising the potential for a green economy. “ACCA helps develop the business community and support it to develop best practices of sustainability and integrated reporting. We have set the process for creating and awarding a socio-economic change and hope to see the same strengthened,” he reasoned.

Speaking on the ACCA WWF Pakistan Environmental Reporting Awards 2012, ICI Pakistan Chief Executive  Asif Jooma reiterated the commitment of ICI Pakistan towards sustainability and stated ‘Stakeholders need to be informed of the measures and initiatives taken to ensure future organizational sustainability and in line with this we began reporting progress on our sustainability journey five years ago. Today we are proud to be the forerunners of sustainability reporting in Pakistan. This award is a testimony of our commitment to reduce our impact on the planet and deliver more sustainable products and solutions to our customers.’

Also present on the occasion was Dr Ejaz ahmed, Director General WWF Pakistan.

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