
Duty and Tax Remission for Export scheme audit: modalities being worked out

ISLAMABAD (August 23 2003) : The Central Board of Revenue (CBR) and tax consultants M/s Maxwell Stamps are working out modalities to improve communication network between Customs House, Karachi, and Duty Suspension Audit Organisation (DSAO) for effective audit under the Duty and Tax Remission for Export (DTRE) scheme.

The direct computer link between the two organisations would enhance the audit capacity of the exporters registered under the DTRE scheme.

M/s Maxwell Stamps has appreciated the amended DTRE scheme and estimated that over 3000 more exporters are expected to be registered under the scheme.

Sources said here Friday that the CBR would take some new steps for improving administration of DTRE scheme under the customs reform strategy.

This encompasses computerised support for the process of approval of the applicant, registering import shipments against the relevant import approval and recording the export shipments, besides communications between the Custom House and the DSAO (Duty Suspension Audit Organisation) will be provided to make administration more efficient and improving audit methodology.

Under reform measures to be taken for improving duty drawback regime, the CBR would abandon input/output coefficients set at the individual exporter or individual product levels, and subsequently adopt industry standard rates.

The complexity inherent in the process of determining input-output coefficients, particularly when these are set for individual exporters and multiple product lines (as opposed, for example, to industry standard rates preferred in some countries) has also been removed by the standardisation of individual DDB notifications.

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