
$10.4 billion export target achievable: commerce minister

ISLAMABAD (December 10 2002) : Commerce Minister Humayun Akhtar on Monday spoke of the promising indications that the country would be able to achieve the $10.4 billion exports target during' the current fiscal year.

Speaking at a PTV programme, he said the performance during the first four months of the year is encouraging, and things are going in the right direction, adding that there do exist some problems in the process, which will be removed very soon.

The minister said the players are actively working to gain maximum access for country's products in the international markets and the prospects are very bright.

He said he would visit the US next month, and take up all the problems with the Americans, including the increase in textile quota for Pakistani products.

Humayun Akhtar said that his ministry is set to introduce 8-10 new export sectors in the future. Along with traditional and non-traditional items, exports of services are also being considered, he said.

In various countries, 26 commercial councillors have been appointed to promote Pakistani exports, he said, adding that they have been given targets and their performance will be monitored and examined from time to time.

Disagreeing the impression that export of mangoes and kinnows had suffered a decline, the minister said that during last year, the export of these commodities has rather gone up.

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