
Health workers more likey to get work visas for Australia than accountants

Accountants and IT managers are no longer in demand but occupational therapists will be given a headstart if they apply for work visas in Australia.

The federal government today released an updated roll of occupations on the Migration Occupations in Demand List, which boosts the chances of hopeful migrants applying for a work visa in Australia.

IT managers and administrators have been dropped from the list, as have accountants, while health professionals remain the most in-demand workers.

Computer professionals specialising in internet, networing, Java Security, SAP and security are the only IT workers retained on the new roll.

Registered nurses, midwives, mental health nurses, hospital and retail pharmacists, physiotherapists, medical diagnostic radiographers, radiation therapists, sonographers and new to the list – occupational therapists – are the most needed professionals in Australia.

Chefs with a trade level qualification and at least three years relevant experience, refrigeration and airconditioning mechanics and hairdressers are also on the in-demand list.

Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock and Employment Minister Tony Abbott said the updated list was a response to the changing labour market for information and communications technology (ICT).

“These reductions clearly demonstrate the government is responding to the softening of the ICT labour market and the increased difficulties some Australian computing professionals are experiencing in finding jobs,” they said in a statement.

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