
Bearing Point to start consultancy services in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD (November 12 2003): Dr Darwin Johnson, Senior Vice President, Bearing Point Inc, in a call on Finance Minister Shaukat Aziz told him that his firm is entering Pakistan to offer consultancy services in various sectors, like ports and shipping, telecom and information technology.

Bearing Point, formerly KPMG Consulting Inc, is one of the major management consultants of the world, engaging services of 16,000 employees and operating in 55 countries.

Johnson informed the Finance Minister that Bearing Point was entering Pakistan to offer consultancy services.

The Finance Minister welcomed the decision of Bearing Point to establish their presence in Pakistan.

He said that this would help bring Pakistan to come up to international standards of business, and enable transfer of technology as well as expertise. “Services of such companies are opportune, especially in the current stage when the economy is deregulating and growing,” he added.

He highlighted that presence of world known consultants like Bearing Point would help adoption of best practices and standards from all over the world.

Johnson said that he was extremely impressed by the improvement in Pakistan's economy, which would help attract investment both from abroad and locally.

He said that he was delighted that his company had decided to establish an office in Pakistan, with significant presence and staffing.

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