
PricewaterhouseCoopers Quits Myanmar

PricewaterhouseCoopers has joined several other firms in pulling out of Myanmar, according to a British lobby organization, after international criticism of the Asian nation's human rights record.

The Burma Campaign UK said it received confirmation from the consultancy group on Thursday that it had cut ties with the country.

Earlier this year, the world's second-biggest tobacco group, British American Tobacco and advertising agency WPP also unraveled their involvement in Myanmar.

Foreign companies investing in Myanmar have long been a target of Western human rights groups who say the firms are indirectly supporting a regime guilty of human-rights abuses.

Myanmar's military, which has ruled since a 1962 coup, has confined democracy leader and Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi to her home since September after major surgery and nearly three months in detention at a secret location.

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