
ACCA Pakistan holds workshop for journalists

Karachi, 8 October 2008 – ACCA Pakistan recently held a workshop for journalists at a local hotel in Karachi. The initiative was highly appreciated by media organizations and was attended by around 45 journalists from print and electronic media.

The ACCA Media workshop was a one day event based on three segments identified by the media experts as their area of interest. The workshop commenced with welcome address by Mr. Shamez Mukhi, Head of Marketing and Communications, ACCA Pakistan. He appreciated the encouraging response of media towards this initiative and briefed them about vast scope of activities of ACCA Pakistan right from student’s professional development to the organization’s role in establishing effective and transparent corporate governance in Pakistan.

Following this was session on ‘Basic Accounting for Journalists’ conducted by Mr. Arif Masud Mirza, Head of ACCA Pakistan. This part of the workshop was tailored to facilitate media persons on financial reporting. Mr. Arif Mirza covered global accounting standards, significance of transparency in financial reporting-illustrated through case of the fall of some giant financial institutions and interpretation of different financial reports.

Shireen Naqvi, CEO of School of Leadership, emphasized the need for well researched and credible information in her presentation on ‘effective communication’. This was a very interactive and energizing session for all participants. They could especially relate to her real life illustrations on communication gaps.

The last segment of our workshop was ‘Media ethics’. This was facilitated by Ms Durriya Kazi, head of visual studies department, University of Karachi and Mr. Owais Aslam Ali, General Secretary, Pakistan Press Foundation. Talking about the viewer’s perspective, Ms Kazi stressed upon the need for multi-dimensional reporting. She said that, while reporting unfortunate incidents, media must also always highlight the positive side of the story. Mr. Owais spoke on journalism standards and ethics.

The honourable chief guest of the event was Ms. Shazia Marri, minister for information, Sindh.  In her speech, she highlighted the role of media in Pakistan. She praised ACCA Pakistan for taking the initiative of media training and congratulated the organization for success of the event.

The workshop by concluded by vote of thanks by Mr. Mirza and certificate distribution by the Information Minister.

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