
Results from ACCA Show Continuing Rise in Demand for Accountants

KARACHI (April 26, 2010) – ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) continues to see growth in member and student numbers, reflecting the need for professional accountants, especially in the context of global economic conditions. The global membership of ACCA now stands at 140,000, a growth of 6.5 per cent from the 31 December 2008 figure of 131,500 members.

Student numbers have increased from 366,000 to 404,000, a rise of 10.4 per cent. As a result of its increased global network and the reputation of members in 170 countries, ACCA is increasingly rated as the leading global professional accountancy body by employers around the world. Helen Brand, chief executive of ACCA, says: “ACCA has made significant contributions to the public debate on matters of world importance, such as the agenda of the G20 nations and in particular their call for the adoption of international accounting standards, COP15 and climate change, the value of audit, financial regulation and access to finance.

“This healthy growth comes during an economically challenging time, but it shows that the finance profession is an attractive global career.  Accountants’ skills are more important than ever, to restore confidence in the global economy, to help businesses large and small to identify and manage costs and deliver sustainable growth.

“Following significant investment in enhancements to service delivery, ACCA students and members have recorded increased satisfaction with levels of service they receive. The organisation is pleased to see that the enhancements delivered have led directly to perceived improvements in service levels by customers.”

Last year, ACCA opened offices in Brussels, Bangladesh, Chengdu and Macau, and also began collaborative work with major organisations such as KPMG, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the IAAER (International Association for Accounting Education and Research). ACCA also partnered with CGA Canada and CPA Australia for an Economist Intelligence Unit research report into small businesses and access to finance.

ACCA now has 57 global accountancy partnerships with organisations around the world. In 2009/10 ACCA forged partnerships through a range of agreements and Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with:

  • the Auditors Chamber of Ukraine
  •  the Georgian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors,
  • the Jordanian Association of Certified Public Accountants (JACPA),
  • the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Greece – SOEL (Soma Orkoton Elegkton Logiston)
  • the Business Development Company Ltd (BDC), the umbrella body for small business development in Trinidad & Tobago
  • the Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC)
  • the Barbados Small Business Association (BSBA)

Regional performance in 2009

Region Total members March 2010 Total students and affiliates
March 2010
March 2010
Total increase % from 2008
Asia Pacific 40,825 103,254 144,079 8.4%
Europe and Americas 88,308 151,666 239,974 3.9%
MENASA (Middle East, North Africa and South Asia) 2,720 69,526 72,246 31.9%
Sub Saharan Africa 8,372 79,597 87,969 12.4%
Global totals 140,225 404,043 544,268 9.5%

Note: ACCA changed its year-end from December to March, so the chart above represents 15-months.

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