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E & Y Test - Printable Version

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- BILAL.SARDAR - 09-23-2011

@ Farukh

ive nt been thru deloites' test bt i'l let u knw tomorrow after confirming it frm some reliable source.

- farrukh saleem01 - 09-23-2011

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, san" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by BILAL.SARDAR</i>
<br />@ Farukh

ive nt been thru deloites' test bt i'l let u knw tomorrow after confirming it frm some reliable source.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

ok thanks
test is tomorow ab no time left.....
hope for the best
gudluck allll

- amna sheikh - 09-23-2011

any1 has rcvd call 4m ey isb 4 test???

- mariaanwer - 09-24-2011

as far as i know the applicants who were to be called for the test have been called.test is to be held 2mrw at 7.30 pm. however i'm not sure about the criteria they followed for calling ppl..i know some ppl who applied for the first time this session but dint get called.

- BILAL.SARDAR - 09-24-2011

Best of Luck to every1 appearing in the test tomorrow !!!

- peace - 09-24-2011


I was waiting for their call
But they cruelly let my expectations fall
I wouldn't have worried as such
If I had not been preparing so much!

After a moment i reflected
I am the gem they never collected
It made me feel a little less bad
But then i recalled i still had to tell DAD!

Its not like he'll get mad
But thats exactly what will make me sad
I have failed him yet again
Only thought that gives me pain.

O well, whats done is done!
In repenting,there never is much fun
But my thoughts strayed to my old mfc
And I felt again as a defaulter lessee.

I feel like a schmuck!
About as much as this poem does s**k,
Now I have even used an offensive adjective
Guess,rejecting me for no apparent reason,they had some perspective.

I better end the poem cuz its going nowhere
Unlike all my friends who have a test to prepare
Also bcuz I don't actually believe in grieving
Its Best for me whatever my Lord has me recieving!

- A.A - 09-24-2011

Your poem is lovely peace-and the end is hopeful and sends across the right message.You are very creative!You will see insha'allah that everything will turn out for the best and you'll end up at the firm best for you.Don't lose heart,it's their loss for you are "the gem they never collected".You are a bit sad now but you know what,loads of people have had the same sad thoughts because of E&Y (including me-I wallowed in disappointment and worry for two hours when I wasn't called for the test but then it turned out to be a blessing-in-disguise because KPMG called and had scheduled their test for the same time as E&Y)because everybody wants at least a chance to prove themselves and not being called for the test seems a bit unfair when we are at the receiving end but eventually,you'll see how it turns out for the best.Don't lose faith or get too worried-you'll land at the place God has meant for your best gain.
"No matter how softly you whisper a prayer,Allah listens and knows the hopes and fears you keep in your heart..for when you trust in Him,miracles happen."

To counter your poem with something a bit more cheerful,I'll share a poem that was once published in Us Magazine.It's called REASONS and is by a poet called Ayesha Iqbal
"Because flowers bloom amongst wrinkled rocks,
I believe.
Because water spurts in oasis in midst of deserts,
I trust.
Because the sun fights its way up the horizon everyday,
I hold on.
Because the stars embellish the sky every night,
I keep hope.
Because I know that I do not know,
I go on."


- peace - 09-26-2011

Thanx for all the encouragement A.A....You are very kind.[)]

- sunny_superstitious - 09-26-2011

Gave the test 3 days ago...Now hoping to get an interview call...
anyone know how much time they take to call for interview???

- A.A - 09-27-2011

@peaceMost welcome!)

- BILAL.SARDAR - 09-27-2011

@ Sunny_superstitious

It will take almost 2 weeks. n Best of Luck.