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when to apply in firms? - Printable Version

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- dhoom - 09-27-2006

I took Module-D papers in March-2006.I also cleared MOdules A,B,C and D in first attempt.Due to my family problems,I need to stay at home for 1 year and I want to apply in firm in March-2007.If I go to ferguesons(Karachi),then what do you think they will recruit me or not?

- Schuaeb - 09-28-2006

Hmm, passing inter in first attempt make a very good impact. Ferguson, you well know hardly recruits students without reference even those who qualify inter in first attempt. Secondly discontinuing for one year is another negative point. You should go to Ferguson and take your chance and other equally reputed firms like FRSH and KPMG, life does not end at top 3 and lot of options are after them, I am quite confident that you would manage to get a training contract at a respectable place.


- dhoom - 09-28-2006

Thanx a lot shoaib.If you dont mind may I know Your qualification?

- Schuaeb - 09-29-2006

Same as yours plus a two yeared experience of articles

- dhoom - 09-30-2006

From which firm are you doing your articleship,Mr Shoaib?

- Schuaeb - 10-08-2006

Not from a very renowned firm