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- sajid naveed khan - 07-19-2007

Would You Define Love?

- kamranACA - 07-19-2007

Dear Imran and Coollioness,

I was basically discussing the factors behind creation of love in hearts and causing attraction or affection for each other. Human being has been given a mortal body and every thing attached to body has its attributes for the mortal body. The attributes of soul are very difficult, although not imposisble, to be intelinked with the body. My discussion no where meant that physical desires in love are purposed to be fulfilled before getting into a marriage venture.

The aim was to explain that physical attraction and some hidden desire always works as a basic facor to initiate the love affair and also works as a catalyst as the affair proceeds. This eventually ends up, or in other words, gets matured or reachs at its climax on marriage between two humans.

Theoratically speaking one can say that love does not emerge form the cultivation of some physical desire. But the argument which always pinchs me is, if it is true, then why we dont (normally) love very poor / out of our class (as every person belongs to a class), ugly faced, badly represented, illiterate person. Why we always search for a better personality and better oppurtunity and ultimately love someone who is as per our standard. I dont talk about the very very rare cases but why normally the love does not cut out the distance of a palace and a hut (Jhuggi).

You know this is a very important question. I find its answer in the above discussion that in this material world every thing is based upon material i.e. substance, gas or liquid. Our wordly desires and decisions have to be attributed to these elements. I dont agree that love is caused by the attractions of the souls. It is, in my firm opinion, caused by body's attributes. It has been proved medically. So many harmones work inside this body to create so many reflexes and feelings. One needs to discuss this issue at length with some scientist or doctor and he will know so much details about the creation of such feelings. I dont go into the details.

I was supposed to talk into the perspective of reality and was not inclined to present some artistic snap of this affair or to figure out the tale of ALAF LAILA based upon fictional idealogy.

If some one wants to remain surrounded by the un-real thoughts and beliefs, it is his/her prerogative. I am thankful to those who have at various stages of time clarified different things to me and helped me to reach a stage of conclusion.

Mr. Imran said that he married a female (our bhaabhi) after finding her on the net. It's very good for them and I appreciate their involvement and courage. I also congratulate them for the success of their love. Where I talked about internet stories, I no where condemned it. Yes, I said it has become very popular among the new generation. I myself found my love on the net. I also met her face to face so many times (within all restrictions, as pointed out by Coollioness). I always appreciated the courage, involvement, modesty and truth of that female. I remained true to her as well. Circumstances did not support the continuty and the story was ended up. This does not simply accuse the internet. There are so many situations which lead to the incidents. Like other facilities internet is also a technical facility and if used carefully and wisely it has its merits for every one.

However, I would again say that desire to achieve the love, to get married with him/her and pain for losing some one's desired company has the physical attributes. Simply loving some one and not disclosing this fact and never desiring the company with sincerity is no where seen by me in real love affairs. (I dont talk about flirts).

Mr. Sajid Naveed Khan, I refer you to study a book written by Saleema Hashmi titled "HUSSAIN BIN MANSOOR HALLAAJ - AIK GHINAAIYA". You will find the definition of love.

Bets regards,


- Imran - 07-20-2007

Dear Kamran

I read your post regularly and believe me that you are very much expressive. You express things in such manner that any one can change his / her thoughts. By the way I 100 % agree with your all posts except the one on Lal Masjid.

Dear Sajid Naveed

In my view point love is the phenomenon which doesnot want defination.

Miss Cool Lioness

It very difficult for me to realize that without getting familier to some one and without seeing some one how can you love him. Any way what he did to you that was totally unfair and such person cannot deserve love.

- kamranACA - 07-20-2007

Dear Imran,

I dont have any claim for the perfection of my ideas. I may be very much wrong in so many of my conclusions. But I always try to ensure that I must not state anything without making a firm belief and firm basis over such statement.

I appreciate your respect for Ulemas and personally have no concern over any one who supports the people of Lal Masjid. I personally am against the killings by the government. I have personally cried for such killings; although it was spontaneous. But, in my view, no one should challenge the government and rule of law using the power (though very limited) irrespective of how much he was correct or noble. This is not a very dificult and undigestable philosphy.

Further, it always appear to me a suspecious thing that how killing of a muslim or dependent innocent non muslim can take one suicidal bomber to JANNAH. I wonder why all those who outspokenly supported the lal masjid people are now keeping quite when the attributes of lal masjid are killing innocents through bomb attackers. By no means the persons who have been killed in so many suicidal attacks were personally involved in lal masjid operation and could be held responsible by those killings in the operation silence.

Whenevr I talk about the rigidity and JAHAALAT of a specific category of maulvies (who I dont believe to be AAILMS), every one raises question over me. I again mention that by all means I dont support the killings by the government and in my view some other solution was also possible. However, I was against the idea of letting them go. But I wonder why no one raises question when such incidents are taking place. Doctor Shahid Masood wrote a column about some female kid named USMA or ASMA who was killed in lal masjid and every one including me cried after reading it. Why no one feels the cries of the kids of all those who have been without any logic killed by such JAAHIL AND RIGID people of Lal Masjid Ham-Khayal group. This is by no means a way out to take the revenge. Is it? Majority was against the operation and people really felt pain for such killings.

If some specific number of persons were behind this operation then why the unrelated security men and departmental officials are being killed. This is just a reaction of animals since it cannot be a humanly action. Moreover, no one can justifiablly deny their linkage with lal masjid people as these suicidal attacks were already threatened by the Ghazi brothers.

I must refer this to Miss Coollioness in calrification of term Mullahism, as she inquired about it. The acts which are being done by these rigid religious groups are the acts expected from the guys which could be defined as the supporteres of Mullahism although they are muslims.

I am sorry to narrate these paras under this thread but I felt like clarifying the basis which I find to oppose the extremism.

Still, I could be hundred percent wrong. Anarchy, terrorism, suicidal attacks, destruction, extremism, revenge from innocents etc etc might be a correct action in any one's opinion.


Very humble crearture of Allah.


- Imran - 07-20-2007


I found the surety in your words. where from you got that? it seems to be that both brothers did all after being consulted by you. Please dont mind brother but once again i will condemn your words. you have no authority to say something bad about your Muslim brother and specially for those who are superiors (AALIMS) and you are not the one to decide who is wrong and who is right and on those basis to use such hard words for such people. Allah almighty knows well. And He will decide. Have you ever seen in our religion any thing which allow us to use such words.

If they did wrong they are punishable and what Govt did that was wrong. No one is allowed to kill innocent people. Now what is happening i strongly condemn this. But i didnot heard any of brothers as mentioned by you ordering their followers for attacks. Please my dear brother if you have something wrong for them please please keep that in your mind dont express it. Already we Muslims are facing problems and are passing through tough era. If we dont have courage to oppose the wrong alteast we should not express our bad opinions. Just for the sake they were Muslims Brothers. Hopefully you will consider it and dont mind any thing please.

- kamranACA - 07-21-2007

Dear Imran,

You just dont want to understand the situation and when somebody does not want to understand, no one can make the things clear to him. Same words you can mention for me.

However, opinions are the personalized ideas.



- Imran - 07-21-2007

Yes i dont want to understand the situation where some one enforce me to set aside my opinion and implement his opinion.


- Astute Accountant - 07-21-2007

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by sajid naveed khan</i>
<br />Would You Define Love?
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Every one would define it according 2 his/her own context.

- Imran - 07-21-2007

Love is something which can be felt. There might be no exact defination of love because every one has a different opinion about love.

- Cool Lioness - 07-22-2007

Good Morning to all of you.....
I am back after enjoying a good weekend. I know your's weekend has just started. Wish you really good days ahead.

AFter morning wishes first of all let me tell Mr. Imran and Mr. Kamran that do not start this Lal Masjid discussion under this topic. Nahin tou spanking must hai aap dono kee. Also i would say here that we had enough discussed this topic. Conclusion is the universal one. That's Extremism cannnot be appreciated in any way and by any one, Govt or Public. All of us are agreed on one more point that Ghazi brothers were may be right with their demands but the way they adopted was not at all right. And that is why so many got killed. Govt. action was also most unexpected from them and i can say safely that she did a bigger mistake. Anyway it seems that now its Govt's turn to compensate and pay the price for all the killings she has been doing througout the country. So just wait and see as you must have heard and read in books that "Khuda kee laathi be-awaaz hothi hai."

Now let me come to the original topice. Mr. Kamran is very expressive i must say but he say a simple thing in much complicated way. Well this may not be every one's opinion but its just what i feel now after talking to him in detail on some of issues. Anyway i dont mean that he should change his style for me, but still would suggest that in our country people understand things in simpler ways. Have you ever been a teacher?

In my last post under this thread i did not dinied anything from Mr. Kamran's post but i just tried to look at the issue with a different angle. And i did so because this is something getting common in our culture. Love is either for physical interests or for wealth purpose. Real love is getting unique day by day.

Creation of love is something we are not discussing here. Its as natural and as reflexive as heart beat. You do not have any control on it. It happens when it is meant to be. AS far as Mr. Kamran 's point is concerned that why it doesnt happen with a poor guy in a hut. I will say that somewhere, often directly and seldom indirectly, your life style effects your feelings. Your environment where you are brought up, set a standard of life infront of you. And you start looking at everything and picking up everything for yourself according to that standard. In this way you kind of maintain your life style. For instance a labor working in my house yard, may be very good at heart and even good looking too, but it will hardly make me fall for him. YOu know its not that he is poor, its something natural build up in your body (may be by default) that you wont even think about it. But as you confess that exceptions are there, so there are definitely rare cases. Over here in UAE lot of Arab local ladies have affairs with their Pakistani drivers. I will avoid going to the details of those reasons that cause such affaris coz it will divert me from the topic.

So baat yeh hai ke jo standard aap ko by birth mill jaata hai, you start following that unconciously. This standard of life includes the selection of your love too. And i will like to say one more thing here that love with a person who doesnt match with your standard, hardly works out. On some point of your life, you say or realise that you made a mistake.

<b>Miss Cool Lioness
It very difficult for me to realize that without getting familier to some one and without seeing some one how can you love him. Any way what he did to you that was totally unfair and such person cannot deserve love.</b>

Mr. Imran its a long story. i always avoided to disclose it becuase it only hurts me and reminds me that i am the most stupid person on the face of earth (may be i should be given national award of stupidness). Kher baat yeh hai ke, you should know that love is blind ( i hate this saying now after experiencing it.) I mentioned it earlier that first of all the guy got my sympathies. How??????? He told me that he was suffering with sever sickness where the chances for his survival were minimum. This was disclosed to me by him after 4-5 months of our friendship (Promise it was just a friendship from my side. that is why i never bothered to ask him his tel numbers or addresses or pics etc). In this way slowly slowly i got attached to him and started prayers for his life day and night. As i belive that Prayers can change the destinies, i did not leave any stone unturned to prove this saying right. Manatain, duaain, Khairaat, Sadqa, mid night prayers, kiya nahin kiya mein ne. Side by side I would try to keep him as happy as maximum as i could. Changed, rather broke, my rules for his happiness sake. The only motive in my mind was to give him hope for life, to give him some moments of happiness, some moments that he can cherish when he is alone lying on his hospital bed. His sickness was not the only reason for my love. It was his intellact, way of discribing things, loving words that he would say for me, the respect he would show for me. Who doesnt like to be loved? or to be respected? To be cared or to be given importance?

Anyway i need to close it now. I dont want to waste my tears for him any more. He doesnt deserve anything from me now.[(!]

- BeL@L - 07-22-2007

i would prefer to fall in luv after marriage.

- Cool Lioness - 07-22-2007

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by BeL@L</i>
<br />i would prefer to fall in luv after marriage.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Every one prefers to love after marraige. But as you must know that Man proposes and God disposes. IF love is there in your life before marriage then i think you cannot stop it.

- BeL@L - 07-22-2007

yeah, you 'r right i can't stop myself. but i believe if i try my best to keep things clear it will be good for both sides. And marriage is good thing rather then keep in relation.

- Astute Accountant - 07-23-2007

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Cool Lioness</i>
<br /><blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by BeL@L</i>
<br />i would prefer to fall in luv after marriage.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Every one prefers to love after marraige. But as you must know that Man proposes and God disposes. IF love is there in your life before marriage then i think you cannot stop it.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Apptly said YOUR HIGHNESS.... I tatally agree 2 u......

- Cool Lioness - 07-23-2007

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by BeL@L</i>
<br />yeah, you 'r right i can't stop myself. but i believe if i try my best to keep things clear it will be good for both sides. And marriage is good thing rather then keep in relation.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

hmmmm aik waqat tha jab mein bhi aisa hi kaha karthi thi.