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ICAEW with FRSH, Karachi - Printable Version

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- 4thelement - 03-11-2008

dear kamran bhai

i need ur advice as u r a qualified accountant and working in a firm, am an ACCA part 3 student have to pass all 5 papers and i joined firm very earlier in my career due to substantial pressure from my family and now i have almost three years of working experience at the following firms

1. riaz ahmed saqib gohar & co. from 03/05 to 03/06
2. raza siddiqui & co. from 06/06 to 06/07
3. bdo ebrahim & co. from 06/07 to date

but now am finding it hard to obtain a place in big four firms, due to increased competition and of the fact that i have some prior experience now i want u to plz tell me what should i do and whether i should mention my prior working experience in my application or not.
