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Best option for F4? - Printable Version

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- Fareed - 07-16-2010

Brother Dard, u r quite ryte. Even I am studying F5 and F6 by myself without any support from any teacher, but preparing for any paper by yourself can help you pass the paper but it might not be enough in most of the cases to gain the knowledge which is intended by the ACCA behind that particular paper, and most importantly it takes a lot of time while studying by yourself as compared to studying from a teacher.

You think F4 is easy, its ur perception and we have learnt in F1 that there might be difference between perception and reality, I hope u have studied F1 by some teacher or I am sure you wont even have studied the topic of perception.

- arsenal.gooner - 07-16-2010

fareed, i would second DARD's opinion. i will again tell you the same thing, f4 is very different to other ACCA papers as 70% marks are for knowledge only 30% are for application and your so-called perception and understanding.
You gave the example of taxation. let me tell you that this is just like comparing apples with oranges. where taxation is a purely numerical paper, law is complete theory.

let me help you with an example

suppose the question is "describe the qualifications and duties of a company secretary"
or Explain anticipatory breach of contract.

all you have to do is quote the relevent cases and the theory which you would have memorized.

Rest, its your own decision.

Best of Luck!

- Fareed - 07-18-2010

I completely agree bro.
The laws are so complicated and difficult that if one tries to understand by himself he will have to read it atleast half a dozen of tymes, but if u study from a teacher u escape the difficulty of understanding it atleast, all what you have to do than is to review it again and again upto the extent that it becomes almost equal to your natural activity.

- Dard - 07-18-2010

Don't be so sure about something you don't know
About F1, i kind of studied it on my own
If your english is good, you won't have any problem understanding the text book in one go

- Dard - 07-18-2010

And one doesn't have to read F1 to know that perception and reality are two different things, it's known to everyone

- isookvi - 08-11-2010

I absolutely agree that F4 is an easy enough subject to pass. Since now being ACCA finalist it seems to me as one of the easiest exam to pass. Note that I am saying its easy to pass not easy to learn ( for some). It requires a fair amount of cramming especially the company law. I used the kaplan text book and bpp kit. Took lectures of only contract law, studied rest on my own. And cleared it easily with 79%. So if you have any questions relating to its preparation I will be more than happy to help. Also if you feel like you need to study it from a teacher by all means do that. Just don't take its preparation to the last month because you can esily get panicked.

Study well and success will follow.
