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- shsaeed - 10-27-2007

Blow (6)

Blow away

- Kill
- Beat rivals or competitors by a large margin
- Impress greatly
- When the wind moves something from a place

Blow down

- When the wind forces something to fall

Blow off

- Not keep an appointment
- Ignore, not do something

Blow out

- Extinguish candles, matches, etc.

Blow over

- When a scandal gets forgotten

Blow up

- Explode

Blurt (1)

Blurt out

- Say something quickly without thinking, especially if you shouldn't

Bog (4)

Bog down

- Slow make progress

Bog in

- Eat enthusiastically

Bog into

- Eat something enthusiastically

Bog off!

- Get lost

Boil (4)

Boil down

- Simplify, reduce to the essentials

Boil down to

- Amount to

Boil over

- When a hot liquid spills out of a container
- When people lose their tempers and things get nasty

Boil up

- Feel a negative emotion strongly
- Cook or heat something to boiling point

Bone (1)

Bone up on

- Study hard

- shsaeed - 10-28-2007

Book (3)

Book in

- Make a reservation in advance
- Check in at a hotel

Book into

- Make a reservation in advance
- Check in at a hotel

Book up

- Reserve

Boot (1)

Boot up

- Start a computer

Border (1)

Border on

- Be located next to a place
- Be very nearly something

Boss (2)

Boss about

- Use excessive authority to control people

Boss around

- Use excessive authority to control people

Botch (1)

Botch up

- Ruin or spoil something

Bottle (3)

Bottle away

- Store up

Bottle out

- Lack courage to do something

Bottle up

- Not express your feelings

- shsaeed - 10-31-2007

Bottom (1)

Bottom out

- Pass the lowest point and start rising

Bounce (3)

Bounce into

- Force someone

Bounce back

- Recover

Bounce off

- Test ideas

Bowl (1)

Bowl over

- Surprise someone greatly

Box (2)

Box in

- Prevent something from moving, especially vehicles

Box up

- Pack things in boxes to move them

Branch (1)

Branch out

- Move into a different area of business, etc.

Break (7)

Break away

- Leave an organisation, usually to form a new one

Break down

- End negotiations unsuccessfully
- Start crying
- Stop working

Break in

- Go into a building to steal something
- Interrupt something
- Train a horse to be ridden

Break off

- Break a piece from something
- End a relationship

Break out of

- Escape

Break through

- Pass a barrier or obstacle

Break up

- Break into many pieces
- Close an educational institution for the holidays
- Finish a relationship

- shsaeed - 10-31-2007

Breeze (4)

Breeze along

- Move easily and quickly

Breeze in

- Enter a place quickly

Breeze into

- Enter a place quickly

Breeze through

- Pass easily, succeed

Bring (13)

Bring about

- Make something happen

Bring along

- Bring someone or something to certain place
- Help someone improve

Bring around

- Persuade or convince someone
- Bring something with you when you visit
- Get someone talking about something

Bring back

- Cause someone to remember
- Return

Bring down

- Make a government fall
- Make something cheaper

Bring forth

- Produce something, make it known or visible
- Produce
- Make something happen
- Remove something from where it is kept or hidden

Bring forward

- Make something happen earlier than originally planned

Bring in

- Earn

Bring on

- Cause something to happen or speed up the process

Bring out

- Release or publish

Bring out in

- Cause a health problem or reaction

Bring round

- Make someone wake up from unconsciousness or an anaesthetic

Bring up

- Mention
- Raise a child

- shsaeed - 11-02-2007

Brush (2)

Brush off

- Ignore, pay little attention

Brush up

- Improve a skill quickly

Bubble (1)

Bubble over

- Become very excited

Bucket (1)

Bucket down

- Rain heavily

Budge (1)

Budge up

- Move to make space for someone

Buff (2)

Buff up

- Clear, clean or make something shine
- Improve

Buff up on

- Improve your knowledge quickly

Bug (2)

Bug off!

- Go away

Bug out

- Open your eyes wide in surprise
- Leave somewhere in a hurry

Build (1)

Build up

- Develop a company
- Increase

- shsaeed - 11-04-2007

Bulk (1)

Bulk out

- Make something bigger or thicker

Bump (3)

Bump into

- Meet by chance

Bump off

- Kill

Bump up

- Increase

Bundle (3)

Bundle off

- Send someone somewhere

Bundle out

- Expel

Bundle up

- Put on warm clothing
- Wrap or tie things together

Bunk (1)

Bunk off

- Not go to school when you should

Buoy (1)

Buoy up

- Make someone feel more positive

Burn (3)

Burn down

- Burn completely

Burn off

- Remove by burning or similar process

Burn out

- Lose enthusiasm and energy to continue in a demanding job

- shsaeed - 11-05-2007

Burst (1)

Burst into

- Catch fire very quickly
- Laugh, cry or clap loudly

Butt (1)

Butt in

- Interrupt

Butter (1)

Butter up

- Praise or flatter someone excessively

Buy (5)

Buy in

- Force a CD or record into the charts by buying lots of copies

Buy into

- Accept an idea

Buy off

- Pay someone to stop them causing trouble

Buy out

- Buy somebody's share in a company

Buy up

- Buy all of something

Buzz (3)

Buzz around

- Move quickly around a place

Buzz off

- Leave somewhere

Buzz off!

- Go away (imperative)

- shsaeed - 11-07-2007

Call (8)

Call after

- Name someone after somebody else

Call back

- Return a phonecall

Call for

- Demand
- Go to collect something
- Telephone for something
- Go and collect someone to take them out
- Require

Call forth

- Make something happen

Call in

- Get someone to come and do a job
- Stop and visit

Call off

- Cancel
- Order someone to stop attacking

Call on

- Ask for help
- Visit
- Challenge
- Ask someone to do something, especially to speak in public. (Formal)

Call up

- Summon someone for military service
- Telephone

Calm (1)

Calm down

- Stop being angry or emotionally excited

Cancel (1)

Cancel out

- Have an opposite effect on something that has happened, taking things back to the beginning

Care (1)

Care for

- Like

Carried (1)

Carried away

- Get so emotional that you lose control

- shsaeed - 11-07-2007

Carry (7)

Carry forward

- Include a figure in a later calculation
- Make something progress

Carry off

- Win, succeed
- Die of a disease

Carry on

- Continue

Carry on with

- Have an affair

Carry out

- Perform a task
- Food bought from a restaurant to take away

Carry over

- Continue past a certain point

Carry through

- Complete successfully

Cart (1)

Cart off

- Take someone away, usually under arrest or to prison
- Take something away, especially if stealing or without permission

Cash (4)

Cash in

- Convert shares, bonds, casino chips, etc, into money

Cash in on

- Benefit or make money on something, especially if done unfairly

Cash out

- Illegally access a bank account or credit card and steal money

Cash up

- Count all the money taken in a shop or business at the end of the day

- shsaeed - 11-08-2007

Catch (6)

Catch at

- Take or grab hold of something

Catch on

- Become popular
- Finally understand what is going on

Catch out

- Trick
- Discover or prove that someone is lying
- Put someone in an unexpected and difficult situation (often passive)

Catch up

- Get work, etc, up to date.
- Reach someone who was ahead of you

Catch up on

- Do something that should have been done earlier

Catch up with

- Do something that should have been done earlier
- Meet someone after a period of time and find out what they have been doing
- When something negative starts to have an effect
- Punish someone after they have been doing something wrong for a long time
- Learn something new that many people already understand

Cater (2)

Cater for

- To provide what is necessary

Cater to

- To provide what is needed, often seen negatively

Cave (1)

Cave in

- Collapse
- Stop resisting or refusing

Chalk (3)

Chalk out

- To cut a line of cocaine

Chalk up

- To achieve something good

Chalk up to

- Explain the reason for a problem

- shsaeed - 11-09-2007

Chance (1)

Chance upon

- Find something by accident

Change (1)

Change over

- Change a system

Charge (2)

Charge up

- Put electricity into a battery

Charge with

- Accuse somebody of a crime

Chase (3)

Chase down

- Try hard to find or get something

Chase off

- Force a person to leave or go away

Chase up

- Ensure that someone remembers to do something
- Try to get someone to pay a bill, debt, etc
- Try to get more information about the progress of something

Chat (1)

Chat up

- Talk to someone you are sexually interested in to get them interested in you

Cheat (2)

Cheat on

- Be sexually unfaithful

Cheat out of

- Get money from someone under false pretences

Check (7)

Check by

- Visit a place to check something

Check in

- Register on arriving at a hotel or at the airport

Check into

- Register on arriving at a hotel or at the airport

Check off

- Mark something on a list as done

Check out

- Pay the bill when leaving a hotel
- Die

Check out of

- Settle up and pay before leaving a hotel

Check over

- Check something very carefully

- shsaeed - 11-10-2007

Cheer (2)

Cheer on

- Encourage

Cheer up

- Be less unhappy

Chew (4)

Chew on

- Thinks about something carefully before deciding

Chew out

- Criticize someone angrily

Chew over

- Think about an issue

Chew up

- Cut into small pieces with your teeth
- Damage something inside a machine

Chicken (1)

Chicken out

- Be too afraid to do something

Chill (1)

Chill out

- Relax

Chime (1)

Chime in

- Contribute to a discussion

Chip (2)

Chip away at

- Gradually reduce something to make it less powerful, effective, etc

Chip in

- Contribute some money
- Contribute to a discussion

Choose (1)

Choose up

- Form groups or teams
- Form groups or teams

- shsaeed - 11-13-2007

Chop (2)

Chop down

- Fell or cut down a tree

Chop up

- Cut into small pieces

Chuck (4)

Chuck away

- Dispose of something you no longer need or want

Chuck in

- Quit something
- Make a comment

Chuck out

- Dispose of something you no longer need or want

Chuck up

- Vomit, be sick
- Quit something

Churn (1)

Churn out

- Produce, usually quickly or in large amounts without much regard to quality

Clag (1)

Clag up

- Make something sticky

Clam (1)

Clam up

- Be quiet, refuse to speak

Clamp (1)

Clamp down on

- Restrict or try to stop something

- shsaeed - 11-14-2007

Claw (1)

Claw back

- Get money back
- Retake possession with difficulty

Clean (2)

Clean out

- Tidy up thoroughly and throw away unwanted things.
- Cause someone to spend all their money

Clean up

- Tidy and clean

Clear (4)

Clear away

- Leave a place
- Remove or tidy

Clear off

- Leave somewhere quickly

Clear out

- Tidy up thoroughly and throw away unwanted stuff.
- Leave somewhere

Clear up

- Cure or recover from an infection
- Tidy up
- Explain
- Improve (weather)

Click (1)

Click through

- Open an advertisement on the Internet

- shsaeed - 11-16-2007

Climb (1)

Climb down

- Accept that you are wrong and change your position

Clog (1)

Clog up

- Block, slow movement right down

Close (8)

Close down

- Close a shop, branch or business permanently
- Stop an opponent being a challenge

Close in

- Surround, envelop
- Approach, get near

Close in on

- Get near someone

Close in upon

- Get near someone

Close off

- Block a place to stop people entering

Close on

- Get nearer

Close out

- Bring something to an end
- Close or stop using
- Ignore, exclude

Close up

- Completely close something
- Join together
- Move closer together