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AFF 1st interview (Urgent..plz help) - Printable Version

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- amahmood_satti - 02-08-2010

[quote]<i>Originally posted by kamranACA</i>
<br />
<i><font color="red">the one who is careless for his/her self will never be taken care by the others. This is the essence.</font id="red">

These words of Mr. Kamran are worth to be taken as an advice for the people who really want to taken care of by others in professional & practical life. Nice words & great work by him. I can't help reading such nice posts by Mr. Kamran when I ever visit this forum.
Surely, appearing in an interview of AFF, & attending a wedding of even 1st cousin does not have any correlation in itself. Well, If I simply talk of myself, I would have rather preferred to go for the interview of AFF if ever called, even if I had to do that by not attending the wedding of any of my siblings (1st cousin tou bohat duur hai), but there are lot of ifs in between. Any how it all depends on one's priorities, but to me career should only be the 1st priority for a student.


- kamranACA - 02-08-2010


Thanks for stating the fact and truth, ignoring however we wish the world to look like.

By the way, I personally would never like the world to appear against its universal rules.

Your comments are appreciated.
