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- shsaeed - 11-16-2007

Cloud (1)

Cloud over

- Get very cloudy

Clown (2)

Clown about

- Behave stupidly or waste time

Clown around

- Behave stupidly or waste time

**** (1)

**** up

- Ruin or spoil something

Colour (1)

Colour (Color) up

- Blush

Come (29)

Come about

- Happen, occur

Come across

- Find by accident
- Agree to have sex with someone
- The way other people see you

Come apart

- Break into pieces

Come before

- Appear in court charged with a crime or offence

Come by

- Visit
- Acquire

Come down

- Rain
- Travel

Come down on

- Criticise heavily

Come down with

- Fall ill

Come forth

- Appear

Come forth with

- Provide information

Come from

- Country or town where you were born

Come in

- Arrive for flights
- Place or ranking in a competition, etc.
- Receive news

Come into

- Be important or relevant
- Inherit

Come into use

- Start being used

Come off

- When something breaks off
- Be successful

Come off it

- I don't believe what you're saying; used as an imperative

Come on

- Encouragement
- Start an illness
- Start functioning (machines, etc)

Come out

- A secret is revealed
- Be published or otherwise available to the public
- Disappear when washed
- Let people know that you are lesbian or gay
- When the sun appears

Come out in

- Have a rash or similar skin problem

Come out with

- Make something available
- Say something publicly and unexpectedly

Come over

- Feel strange

Come round

- Become conscious, wake up from anaesthetic
- Change your opinion

Come through

- Arrive (messages and information)
- Communicate an emotion
- Produce a result

Come through with

- Provide something needed

Come to

- Become conscious, wake up from anaesthetic
- Result in

Come up

- Appear
- Rise (the sun)

Come up against

- Encounter problems or difficulties

Come up with

- Think of a solution, excuse, etc.

Come upon

- Find by chance

- shsaeed - 11-17-2007

Conjure (1)

Conjure up

- Create a picture or memory in someone's mind
- Create something without many resources

Conk (1)

Conk out

- Fall fast asleep
- Suddenly breakdown or stop working

Contract (3)

Contract in

- Become involved or committed to something

Contract out

- Give a contract for a service outside the company you work for

Contract out of

- Formally leave and agreement

Cool (1)

Cool down

- Get cooler
- Become calm

Coop (1)

Coop up

- Confine in a small area

Cop (3)

Cop it

- Get into trouble

Cop off

- Leave work or school early
- Kiss, pet or have sex with someone

Cop out

- Choose an easy alternative

Cotton (1)

Cotton on

- To work out the truth

Could (1)

Could do with

- Need or want something

- shsaeed - 11-19-2007

Count (4)

Count in

- Include or involve

Count on

- Depend, rely

Count out

- Exclude

Count up

- Add

Cozy (2)

Cozy up

- Make yourself comfortable

Cozy up to

- Make yourself popular with someone

Crack (3)

Crack down on

- Use more authority than usual

Crack on

- Continue doing something with energy

Crack up

- Have a nervous breakdown
- Have bad reception on a mobile phone
- Burst out laughing
- Damage a car badly

Crank (2)

Crank out

- Produce a lot of something fast

Crank up

- Inject non-medical drugs
- Start a machine, originally with a handle
- Increase, make something bigger

Crash (1)

Crash out

- Sleep at someone's house because you are too tired, drunk, etc. to leave
- Fall asleep

- shsaeed - 11-20-2007

Creep (6)

Creep in

- Start to be noticeable
- Get included despite attempts to keep it or them out

Creep into

- Become noticeable in something

Creep out

- make someone feel worried or uneasy

Creep out on

- To do the same activity for a very long time

Creep over

- Start to have a negative feeling

Creep up on

- Approach without someone realising

Crop (1)

Crop up

- Appear unexpectedly

Cross (2)

Cross off

- Delete, remove from a list

Cross out

- Put as line through some writing to show it is wrong

Crumb (1)

Crumb down

- Clear a table in a restaurant

Cry (2)

Cry off

- To cancel an arrangement

Cry out

- Shout because you are in pain

- shsaeed - 11-25-2007

Cut (11)

Cut across

- Go across a place rather than around it to make the journey quicker
- Affect people of different groups, classes, etc

Cut back

- Reduce

Cut back on

- Reduce expenditure

Cut down

- Consume less
- Shoot
- Reduce a vertical thing to ground level by cutting
- Cut something from a high position

Cut down on

- Reduce

Cut in

- Start functioning
- Drive in front of another vehicle without warning
- Interrupt
- Include someone in a deal that makes money
- Mix fat and flour until the combine

Cut it out

- Stop your unfair or unreasonable behaviour

Cut off

- Disconnect
- Isolate or make inaccessible

Cut out

- Exclude
- When an engine or motor stops
- Cut a picture or similar from a magazine, etc

Cut out on

- Let down, snub

Cut up

- Cut into smaller pieces
- Drive into a neighbouring lane, directly in front of another vehicle
- Upset
- Have a lot of small injuries

- shsaeed - 11-27-2007

Dash (1)

Dash off

- Leave somewhere quickly
- Do something quickly, especially writing

Dawn (1)

Dawn on

- Finally realise or understand something

Die (5)

Die away

- Become quieter or inaudible (of a sound)

Die down

- Decrease or become quieter

Die for

- Want something a lot

Die off

- Become extinct

Die out

- Become extinct or disappear

Dig (3)

Dig in

- Start eating greedily

Dig into

- Reach inside to get something

Dig up

- Find something that is supposed to be secret

- shsaeed - 11-28-2007

Dine (2)

Dine out

- Have dinner outside your home

Dine out on

- Tell a story repeatedly that is well received

Dip (3)

Dip in

- Put something in a liquid for a short time

Dip into

- Read parts of a book, but not all
- Take money out of your savings

Dip out

- Leave a place without telling anyone

Disagree (1)

Disagree with

- Make someone feel sick or ill

Dish (2)

Dish out

- Serve food
- Give something, usually when you shouldn't
- Criticise, when you can't take criticism in return

Dish up

- Serve food

- shsaeed - 12-01-2007

Dive (2)

Dive in

- Start doing something, usually without planning
- Start eating

Dive into

- Reach inside something quickly

Divvy (2)

Divvy out

- Divide, share

Divvy up

- Divide, share

Do (4)

Do away with

- Abolish, get rid of

Do out of

- Cheat somebody out of something that is rightfully theirs

Do up

- Close or fasten clothes, etc.
- Repair and renovate

Do without

- Manage without something

Doss (3)

Doss about

- Spend time doing very little or being unproductive

Doss around

- Spend time doing very little or being unproductive

Doss down

- Sleep somewhere temporarily because you don't go home

- shsaeed - 12-04-2007

Doze (1)

Doze off

- Fall asleep

Drag (1)

Drag on

- Be unnecessarily long

Draw (7)

Draw back

- Retreat, move backwards

Draw down

- Reduce levels
- Get funding
- To deplete by consumption or heavy spending

Draw in

- Get dark earlier
- Arrive at a station (for trains)

Draw into

- Get involved in something unpleasant

Draw on

- Pass slowly (time)
- Inhale smoke from a cigarette, cigar, etc

Draw out

- Make something continue longer than needed
- Make a shy person more outgoing

Draw up

- Prepare a contract
- When a vehicle stops