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Another one bites the dust..... - Printable Version

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Another one bites the dust..... - TheOne - 06-01-2003

After Arthur Andersen, now probably it's E&Y's turn. After "Paper Shredders" perhaps "Software-turned-Grey Matter" shall be declared "Office Equipment of the Year"!!!....

- jbladeus - 06-01-2003


Poor Sidat Hyder (or should i say poor E&Y) .... They were member firm of Arthur Andersen and it collapsed. After its collapse, Sidat Hyder merged with Ford Rhodes and became a member firm of E&Y. Now E&Y's itself seems to be quite shaky. I wonder whose membership will they go after if E&Y collapses? That firm should think a million times before handing out its membership!! <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

Arrrgh... it sure's gonna be mighty rough sailin' today ... mates!

- TheOne - 06-01-2003

Without having a second thought, now KPMG & PWC should put a Red Tag upon Sidat Hyder...!!! Sidat Hyder guys seem to have a hidden agenda of the "Big One"....

- TheOne - 06-17-2003

Wisemen said "Reasoning to commit a sin is worse than sin by itself" and that's what E&Y did as being reported... read the news
"E&Y Has New Definition For a 'Clean Audit'"
June 13, 2003 - The Wall Street Journal is reporting this week that Big Four firm Ernst & Young encouraged audit client HealthSouth Corp. to classify some rather unusual services under the umbrella of audit-related fees. The Securities and Exchange Commission may have a different view of the way in which these services should be described........
E&Y Spokesman Donald Howarth has stated, "E&Y believes that HealthSouth's fees were properly classified," but The Wall Street Journal quotes HealthSouth spokesman Andrew Brimmer as saying, "We do not consider the pristine audit work to be related to the financial audit.".......
Former SEC chief accountant Lynn Turner described the issue "E&Y arguing that checking the cleanliness of a facility is 'audit related' goes well beyond the pale of sanity and common sense."

Well guys... audit is about to be redefined by E&Y though it could be beyond common sense (may be non sense) as quoted above but we mut not argue and follow what they say and what they do... for, bosses are always right.... it should well be taken another feather in the cap of E&Y.

- smraza - 07-09-2003

if its the turn of E&Y after Arthur Anderson, then everybody will become suspicious about the Sidat Hyder, bcaz where ever sidat goes it kills its parents, so it will be treated as "KALI" (we heard this word from rural areas of Sind which means Manhoos)


- jbladeus - 07-09-2003

lol ... KALI ... now thats funny!

Well it seems that E&Y has settled the dispute and has survived the 'nahoosat' brought upon it by its child to live another day! <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Arrrgh... it sure's gonna be mighty rough sailin' today ... mates!