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articles for CA and ACCA - Printable Version

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articles for CA and ACCA - chanda - 07-24-2011

HI...I want to know that at which stage of ACCA a student can start articles if he wants to go for CA after ACCA..Is the articles of one year during ACCA can be considered for CA.? when ICAP will start considering articles whether after ACCA or during ACCA can be considered?

- sheikh_sb - 07-27-2011

Dear, In pakistan a person cant go for CA after ACCA as ICAP has limited the ACCA exemption extensively in ICAP.

You can start your ACCA training whenever you like during your study. If you want to join big4 firms then you must qualify first but you can join small and medium firms after passing your Fundamental Papers,

You cant get Your ACCA articles count for CA unless you get register in ICAP at the time of start of your articles.


- usmankhalid - 07-30-2011

Yea dude, worldwide professional organizations are joining hands to facilitate their members and students. ICAP on the other hand is distancing itself of professional bodies. ICAP students were joining ACCA in bulk, that was also one reason of cutting down ties. An ACCA guy can have a BSC hons degree, ICAP members have to still pass certain exams to get a simple degree. God save us of ICAP. D

- wrathofheaven1 - 08-02-2011

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, san" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by usmankhalid</i>
<br />Yea dude, worldwide professional organizations are joining hands to facilitate their members and students. ICAP on the other hand is distancing itself of professional bodies. ICAP students were joining ACCA in bulk, that was also one reason of cutting down ties. An ACCA guy can have a BSC hons degree, ICAP members have to still pass certain exams to get a simple degree. God save us of ICAP. D
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Haha...ICAP truly is one of a kind institute D