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Queries About CAT transfer to FIA,ACCA enrollment - Printable Version

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Queries About CAT transfer to FIA,ACCA enrollment - hlyh1230 - 09-15-2011

Hello.I'm a previous CAT student which have been transferred to the new FIA.Currently,my T4 & T10(FA2 & MA2) have not passed yet;I insist to pass all 9 papers of CAT in order to get the certificate.

So I have few queries in mind

a)I'd taken the certificates of T1 & T2,so if I take the remaining T4 & T10 test do I still get the certificates for T4,T5,T6,T7,T9 & T10?

b)As I'm taking the T10 exam on this December,so I will only be able to know the result on February 2012.Can I enroll into June 2012 ACCA exam?

c)If I have taken all CAT certificates and further pursue ACCA studies,will I get charged any extra fees?

I hope my queries will not cause any inconvenience.Thank you.