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CIMA Vs. ACCA in Pakistan and The Gulf - Printable Version

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CIMA Vs. ACCA in Pakistan and The Gulf - atif - 09-15-2004

Dear Members Particularly Experience Members!
Assalaam-u-Alaikum, How would you compare CIMA and ACCA in Pakistan and The Gulf Region in respect of salary. Please mention expected salary categorized by regions, experienced and inexperience and Upper and Lower Limit.
Whome employers give importance? Is CIMA accepted in Pakistan as equal to ACCA? Please mention employer's point of view.
It will be so nice of you to supply this information to me and helping me to decide my future.

- the_farhan - 09-17-2004

<font face='Comic Sans MS'>
salaam all,

CIMA has mentioned this fact in their website tht ACCA n CIMA qualified ppl can b working in the same organizations, even at the same positions in many cases....

CIMA n ACCA, both r good qualifications. however, the advantage CIMA enjoys over other accountancy qualifications is tht CIMA is not just accountancy, it is a complete business qualification. they catagorically define themselves as 'world class financial management' on every page of the website!!! if u go through their revised course outlines, u shall really feel it as well.

but in the end, personal skills, talent, experience, attitude etc starts counting more thn just the qualification)))

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live, n let live ...

- atif - 09-18-2004

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
<font face='Comic Sans MS'>
salaam all,

CIMA has mentioned this fact in their website tht ACCA n CIMA qualified ppl can b working in the same organizations, even at the same positions in many cases....

CIMA n ACCA, both r good qualifications. however, the advantage CIMA enjoys over other accountancy qualifications is tht CIMA is not just accountancy, it is a complete business qualification. they catagorically define themselves as 'world class financial management' on every page of the website!!! if u go through their revised course outlines, u shall really feel it as well.

but in the end, personal skills, talent, experience, attitude etc starts counting more thn just the qualification)))

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live, n let live ...
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
Dear farhan,
Thanks but some people say that CIMA has not a strong employment base in Pakistan like ACCA. Is it that?<b></b>

- the_farhan - 09-19-2004

<font face='Comic Sans MS'>
salaam all,

yes this is fact. but the reason, in case of CIMA, is lack of proper promotion n awareness in employers as well as in employees. most pethatic fact is tht the authorized bodies n members of CIMA in pakistan r not well-jelled. i had to contact CIMA for getting all the addresses of CIMA-accreditted institutes!!!! n these institutes r unaware of the existance of each other!!!!! dam it!!!!!
neway, CIMA qualified employees r well received in pakistan n given good packages (obviously not comparable to tht of USA n europe).
but the thing is tht CIMA is studied while being on job, in more thn 95% cases. so no question of unemployement!!!

</font id='Comic Sans MS'>


live, n let live ...

- Ehrar_ACMA - 09-27-2004

Dear Aitf
I agreed with the-farhan's comments regarding CIMA...If u go in further deatils,then u will find the edge of CIMA over ACCA or ACA(Pak) on others ...being a professinal accounting body it has its own research over different areas of busiess & application of IAS-AS other laws...even IFAC requests/prefers CIMA to do reseach for curretn projetcs of IASB/IFAC( Source IFAC/CIMA Web Site)...Futher go through the study material of CIMA u will find as..CIMA define "management Accounting" as....CIMA defines all other things.....etc..wat deos it mean it has its own research it does not adopt defination of others on CORE CIMA topics...while they (ICAP,ICAMP, ACCA...) they dont have such sort of arrangement.....

furhter personal skills are very countable.....
As far as Pakistan is concern , CIMA qualification will pay u when u will have 5 years experience with CIMA-ACMA....see the sunday dawn for all blue chips.....they prefer CIMA or foiegn qualified person over ACA-ICAP ...see the last sundays add of Pakistan Paper printing....ABACUS Global consultant,,Glaxosmith...Engro Chemicals, etc...for Senior Manager/CFO........

As far as dubai is concern wat I heared they prefer to CIMA in all jobs except audit............


Kh. Ehrar Hasan

- atif - 09-27-2004

Dear Ehrar & Farhan,
Thanks for your comments. I was doubtful about ACMA or ACCA. But now, I have decided to go for ACMA-UK because money is always not the end though it is generally a means to end. Now, I have a query, What are the exemptions available to MBA-Financial Management from Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad.
Thanks again for your help!<b></b>

- the_farhan - 09-27-2004

<font face='Verdana'>
salaam all,

CIMA has just revised their course outlines n subjects. these will b applicable from soo5 onwards. i dont ve info abt their current exemption policy. but for the courses offered upto 2004 syllabus, qualified MBA(finance) could get upto 7 exemptions. this is mentioned on the page/link titled "graduate fast track-II"

</font id='Verdana'>


live, n let live ...

- Ehrar_ACMA - 09-28-2004

Dear Friends

Yes i agree again with Farhan...CIma has revised his papers plus syllabus & only 15 papers are to be cleared for CIMA Premier qualification...for MBA 's of Pakistan they can get exemptions in the following papers

1.fundamental of Management accounting
2.Fundamental of finanical accounting
3 Economics
Business Maths
Business Law

these are the subjects in which u can get exemption on MBA basis....I dont thing Cima will allow now further exemptions...plz apply for exmptions to CIMA......for confirmation...

CIMA recently has revised its syllabus in accordance with IFAC requirements....& with the same style as ICAEW has for its papers.....

Best of luck for Premier qualification Cima.


Kh. Ehrar Hasan