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something different - Printable Version

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something different - sagar - 09-18-2004

hey folks
here is something different,a game, we'll c who it galz or boYz..

all u have to do is dat...i m writing here a no i.e 50...if the person who is posting here next is a gal ...she'll deduct 2 nos n make it 48....n if again a gal post she'll do the same...but if its a guy he ll add the end if boyZ r able to make 0 they win...if not then galZ win

as soon as it is over it again starts from 50......... whos posting next??.......

gO wIld!!

- farazthegreat - 09-18-2004

I think you mean the gals are supposed to make it zero. Besides what if no girls post, How will we know when to stop?

Anyway, Here goes....52

- ali4u3 - 09-18-2004

hummm.......i think now its ....54 )

Never seek advice from a Chartered Accountant. They are trained to find problems not solutions.

- Sarfaraz - 09-18-2004


There is a will. There is a way.

- Pracs - 09-19-2004

58,.. it will just keep on addin.. btw what a waste of time.. doin for the spirit of the forum )

Edited by - pracs on Sep 18 2004 114717 PM

- sagar - 09-20-2004

yeah i think dats totally wastage if v dont hav a opponent.
newaz i guess v shud continue it ...lets c wht no. v get in the last when everybuddy is bored of this thread.
so it goes to "60" now.

gO wIld!!

- Azeem Shah Khan - 09-21-2004

add 2 more there and tell us the total plzzzzzzzzzzzzz


- sagar - 09-24-2004

my calculator isnt working.

gO wIld!!

- Azeem Shah Khan - 09-24-2004

hope rest is working fine


- Ehrar_ACMA - 10-20-2004


I know.....u all want to know how many gulz are on the forum...<img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>....thats y u all started the game..............

but dont forget to inculude me..........

now add two more & tell me where we r....?


Kh. Ehrar Ul Hasan
APA,ACMA,CIA(Usa),MA(Eco),CIMA(Inter),IBP-Stage-I (Only Sky is the limit.$$$.....

- Kaash_ACMA - 10-21-2004

hi buddies... well aik baat bataoon ,, na koi aaye gi ,, na he zero hoga.. ekekekkekee ,, <img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle>

Never look back If you wanna do something,,, but sometimes do it for ur heart,,,

- Azeem Shah Khan - 10-21-2004

Ehrar cant say about you, but i m definitely not ON for girls on this forum. i know better places to look for them???


- Huma - 10-21-2004

So should we start deducting, ).. if anyone knows the total<img src=icon_smile_shy.gif border=0 align=middle>

- Ehrar_ACMA - 10-21-2004

Dear Friends

The total was 64 up to kaash ACMA now i deduct two for bibi profit is equals to 62........

Dear Azeem

Dont take it serious the way we came to know where do u UK for that.....(better places..) <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>


Kh. Ehrar Ul Hasan
APA,ACMA,CIA(Usa),MA(Eco),CIMA(Inter),IBP-Stage-I (Only Sky is the limit.$$$.....

- Azeem Shah Khan - 10-22-2004

Dear Ehrar

there are many places ) give me a call once u land in London and i will take u to all the places i GO. )

