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Truth heard - Printable Version

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Truth heard - azim - 10-07-2004

truth heard

All the media channels show these documentary programs on their channels about how these poor people are mixing harmful substances on the roadside pavements which is extremely lethal and poisonous for general public health but they forget to mention

the big companies where were we put all our faith and trust inn and let them feed our children and toddlers so called milk which is according to the companies claim is alternative of mothers Brest feeding, but is it really their fault or it is ours? We believe what these companies want us to belive,they manipulate our minds brain wash us through their expenditures on expensive advertisements and very attractive labels.

It is my personal experience that I bought twice a nestle laborites mango juice 1liter carton for my families consumption and it turn out to be rotten and gone off but to my surprise the date of expiry was not due till Dec 2004 I contacted nestle company in Pakistan but sadly there was no reply then phoned France and spoke to the consumer department representative Ms Linda Malik

the very 2nd day I received a phone call from nestle company's head office in Lahore a lady call who claim to be the manageress of nestle consumer department Ms.Faiza Wasti She explained this incidents as a accident which can happen anywhere in the world so she send someone to collect the carton from my house and left a note taking the responsibility off the product which will be send to the laboratories in Shakupura and they will inform me about the results with in 15 working days, Now com on guys it is way over moth and half and today on 6oct2004 I have given a call again to Ms.wasti but she was not in her office her assistant Ms.Qurashi took the massage in regards to the previous juice cartons, I also told her about the today incidents off rotten milk pack 1liter and a rotten yogurt which is produce by Nestlé, now is it me or is it everybody else is suffering from this kind a negligence of such a reputable company as I have heard and read in the books the once its a mistake 2nd time it can be a accident 3rd time is blender I bought these 2 products today as I normally use nestle products on regular basis but hack it I'm not even getting from now onwards even if they are offering it for free. My mass sage to all you new mother watch out for your child's health as you cannot trust these so called big companies who are utterly negligent and irresponsible either

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