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Where R U ..PRACS ...AZEEM SHAH KHAN....EHRAR ACMA - Printable Version

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Where R U ..PRACS ...AZEEM SHAH KHAN....EHRAR ACMA - Mr. Whappaaaa - 11-29-2004

R we missing such a great persons .... ????????

jee MURTAZA PARACHA SAHAB where r u ..????

AZEEM still busy on ur tour of PAk..??

EHRAR BHAI Now i have to make a call u on ur cell... <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>


- maani - 11-29-2004

definitly they are bz


- Pracs - 11-29-2004

I had a bit of an emergency and had to fly down to Lahore,.. My father had a heart attack, by the grace of Allah he is fine and under medication now.

Please pray for his fast recovery and may Allah bestow all our parents with the best of health !

"Allah does not change the state of people unless they change what is within themselves" Quran 1311

- smraza - 11-29-2004

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
I had a bit of an emergency and had to fly down to Lahore,.. My father had a heart attack, by the grace of Allah he is fine and under medication now.

Please pray for his fast recovery and may Allah bestow all our parents with the best of health !

"Allah does not change the state of people unless they change what is within themselves" Quran 1311
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
Sorry to hear that Pracs, anyways, Main Tah'e'dil say dua go hoon keh Allah Taa'la Aap kay walid sahib ko Jald az Jald Sehatyaabi day. Aaameeen. Sum Aameeen.


Edited by - smraza on Nov 29 2004 50811 PM

- Mr. Whappaaaa - 11-30-2004

hmmm ... HOPE ...ALLAH keeps ur father safe & secure INSHA ALLAH ...


- maani - 12-01-2004

Allah sab ko khariat se rakhay


- Pracs - 12-01-2004

Thx, for your prayers he is doing better..

"Allah does not change the state of people unless they change what is within themselves" Quran 1311

- Bowman - 12-01-2004

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
I had a bit of an emergency and had to fly down to Lahore,.. My father had a heart attack, by the grace of Allah he is fine and under medication now.

Please pray for his fast recovery and may Allah bestow all our parents with the best of health !

"Allah does not change the state of people unless they change what is within themselves" Quran 1311
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>

Pracs..... Inshaullah he will recover fast and will be guidance for you and your dear ones for years to come..... Amen

- Goodman - 12-02-2004

Dear Pracs

Its sad to learn of the illness of your father. May Allah bless him and he gets well soon. Please keep us posted on his condition.

- jbladeus - 12-03-2004

Sad to hear about your dad Pracha.
Inshallah he will recover fully.

Arrrgh... it sure's gonna be mighty rough sailin' today ... mates!

- Azeem Shah Khan - 12-03-2004

Dear Murtaza

May Allah bless your father and give him health, it was sad to hear about it. i can understand the trauma you and your family must be going through these days.



"You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now."

- rana - 12-03-2004

I had a bit of an emergency and had to fly down to Lahore,.. My father had a heart attack, by the grace of Allah he is fine and under medication now.

Please pray for his fast recovery and may Allah bestow all our parents with the best of health !

"Allah does not change the state of people unless they change what is within themselves" Quran 1311

may allah keep ur father safe and sound
from all the internal and external evils
of the world.


- maani - 12-04-2004

we all prays for ur fathers...he will be fine soon InshAllah


- Pracs - 12-19-2004

We miss you Azeem, hope you are having a good time ..

"Allah does not change the state of people unless they change what is within themselves" Quran 1311

- Goodman - 12-19-2004

I thought he would be back by now...
If he is back and have not attended the forum then I dont want to say but he might not be alone.