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Potpourri Quiz - Printable Version

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Potpourri Quiz - Desert Sleet - 02-07-2005

1. Which is the higher value?
a. Number of bones in the human body.
b. Number of dictionary entries beginning with "hy".
c. Number of counties in Texas.
d. Record for total points scored in an NBA game.

2. Punctuate the following so that it makes sense (without rearranging the words).
time flies I can't they're too fast

3. What is the fastest swimming bird?

4. Which has the greater area?
a. Sahara Desert
b. Australia
c. Brazil
d. Caribbean Sea

5. Whose first name is Helen?
a. Madonna
b. Sade
c. Shania Twain
d. Enya

6. Who wrote the song "Leaving on a Jet Plane," performed by Peter, Paul & Mary?

7. What major league baseball pitcher won the most games in a season in the last 30 years?

11. What set of 26 related names appears on a five-dollar bill? (not required to give the names)

12. What does NSF stand for?

13. What is wrong with this sentence?
An overabundance of octopuses failed to phase her majesty's courtier.

14. How many U.S. states are one syllable?

15. On a 3-by-3 grid, is it possible to fill squares in each column and row with one each of black, red and green without one of the colors forming a diagonal string of three in a row? How?

16. What is the lowest number of colors required to fill any set of areas on a plane where no adjacent areas have the same color?

17. What country has represented the most years of women's chess world champions since 1990?

18. What's the longest word you can form where the letters appear alphabetically (and only once each)? [answer unknown, but best answer gets a point]

If I could... Then I would... Turn back time!!

- Shahid_fss - 02-07-2005

01- Bones in Human body
02- "Time flies." "I can't, they're too fast."
03- Gentoo Penguin, which can swim underwater at about 22 mph
04- Sahara desert (9.1 million sq km)
05- Sade's first name is Helen
06- John Denver
07- New York Yankees
12- National Science Foundation - Independent US agency to promote science and engineering.
14- The only one-syllable U.S. state is Maine
17- USSR
18- "Aegilops" is longest alphabetically arranged word and "Spoonfeed" is the longest reverce alpha arranged word while "APERIODIQUE" is the longest word containing the vowels in alphabetical order.

Please dont forget to "anounce" result.
Some questions I dont understood.

```*``` I love stars;
*`*`*`* Shining;
`*`*`*` and Smiling;
*`````* Always.
[email protected]

- Desert Sleet - 02-07-2005

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Shahid_fss</i>
<br />01- Bones in Human body
02- "Time flies." "I can't, they're too fast."
03- Gentoo Penguin, which can swim underwater at about 22 mph
04- Sahara desert (9.1 million sq km)
05- Sade's first name is Helen
06- John Denver
07- New York Yankees
12- National Science Foundation - Independent US agency to promote science and engineering.
14- The only one-syllable U.S. state is Maine
17- USSR
18- "Aegilops" is longest alphabetically arranged word and "Spoonfeed" is the longest reverce alpha arranged word while "APERIODIQUE" is the longest word containing the vowels in alphabetical order.

Please dont forget to "anounce" result.
Some questions I dont understood.

```*``` I love stars;
*`*`*`* Shining;
`*`*`*` and Smiling;
*`````* Always.
[email protected]
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

I'll provide the answers shortly. Was out of town for a few days (still am). Shahid has the right ideas on the clarifications. Isnt there anyone else who is willing to contribute [?].I hope that other members will also participate .
If I could... Then I would... Turn back time!!

- ali zeeshan - 02-07-2005

Where u got these Questions its interesting

"You say you hate me,And i know that it is true,But why cant i stop thinking of you"

- Desert Sleet - 02-07-2005

1) a, Bones in the human body -- INCORRECT
ANSWER (b) Number of dictionary entries beginning with "hy" (375 in my Webster's Collegiate).

2) "Time flies." "I can't, they're too fast."-- CORRECT, although a question mark after flies would've made it sound even better.

3) Penguin -- CORRECT
ANSWER Penguin.

4) a, Sahara Desert-- CORRECT

5) b, Sade -- CORRECT

6)ANSWER John Denver. -- CORRECT

7) New York Yankees-- INCORRECT
ANSWER c, Bob Welch

11)ANSWER The names of states (on the back).

12) Has multiple meanings .
ANSWER Non-sufficient Funds.

13)ANSWER 'Phase' should be 'faze'.

14) The only one-syllable U.S. state is Maine -- CORRECT
ANSWER One (Maine).


16) four


18)"Aegilops" is longest alphabetically arranged word and "Spoonfeed" is the longest reverce alpha arranged word while "APERIODIQUE" is the longest word containing the vowels in alphabetical order.-- Correct

If I could... Then I would... Turn back time!!

- Shahid_fss - 02-08-2005

1- Hey I used my dictionary - only 55 entries
so it should be correct

```*``` I love stars;
*`*`*`* Shining;
`*`*`*` and Smiling;
*`````* Always.
[email protected]