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interesting thing i want to know - Printable Version

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interesting thing i want to know - MALIK FARRUKH - 02-13-2005

hi ,
i just want to know why girls not want to become a CA...
they r in every field of technology ..
so wat friends u think r they just (ratafection) thats y they r not in CA


- derivativetrader - 02-13-2005

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by MALIK FARRUKH</i>
<br />hi ,
i just want to know why girls not want to become a CA...
they r in every field of technology ..
so wat friends u think r they just (ratafection) thats y they r not in CA

<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

SInce CA takes quite a long while to qualify and because we have many traditions in our culture, i.e. Marriage etc. , so that's probably putting many of our sisters off.

However, I have seen many female ACAs and ACCAs in London. I used to intern with Grant Thornton and Deloitte in their London offices and they have about equal number of qualified members of staff.


- maani - 02-14-2005

As I think time is the main factor...


- Bluewednesday - 02-14-2005

I am female and studying ACCA. I am of over average age and this is my career choice after having children. In my tuition classes there are a large percentage of females over males.

I would guess that women, as I have done, have had children and maybe bought them up before they start resurrecting their careers and until men can have children, this will always be the case!

I don't know how easy this is to do in Pakistan but this is what I have experienced in England.

- MALIK FARRUKH - 02-14-2005

thanks for replay
as blue said that she is female and doing acca and she lives in england so my ? is that is pakistani females doesn't get the confidence doing CA ( which is highest degree of accounts in pakistan)
accourding to saying of BLUEWEDNESDAY i think that ACCA is quite easy than CA thats y females r doing it


- farazthegreat - 02-14-2005

I think it also has to do with the image of accounting. Accountants are usually seen as boring, nerdy number crucnchers by the people. Guys go into the field for the big bucks. Women probably are more into an exciting and glamourous career so they choose medical or business etc.

Just an observation [)]

A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.

- Desert Sleet - 02-14-2005

Here is a nice little post by Pervez

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Your question is quite valid that why women donot join auditing profession?
I think you and I just won't be able to appreciate the baggage that is carried by women in our society. Therefore, the best person to answer this question would be a lady. However, I can offer a few observations and opinions
1) I think we as a society still consider females as liabilities. So
parents are eager to transfer these liabilities from their books and onto somebody else balance sheet i.e. they want to get the daughters married as soon as possible. Therefore, the window of opportunity, for women to do anything after their college degree is very narrow, at the most a few years. Because of the length of C.A. programe, most women don't want to make a committment.
2) The work enviornment at our offices is not very conductive for female gender. You can observe how they are harssed in general public by indecent behaviour of men i.e. in shopping centres, buses etc.
Since auditing requires students to go to different places, females do not feel comfortable in new stituations dealing with strange men.
I think Sumaan referred to this problem also.

There are other obsticles that women face in our society that are not their creations. I would summarize them as social and cultural problems rather than a lack of intellegence on the part of women folks. By the way, last year all three top positions in B.Com exam were taken by women. I rest my case.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Why dont u visit this link to find some detailed discussion regarding this topic.

If I could... Then I would... Turn back time!!

- MALIK FARRUKH - 02-15-2005



- Bluewednesday - 02-15-2005

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by MALIK FARRUKH</i>
<br />
accourding to saying of BLUEWEDNESDAY i think that ACCA is quite easy than CA thats y females r doing it

<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

I am doing ACCA because I don't work in an approved ICAEW practice and not because it may be easier! It's just circumstances, I think in England there is not necessarily the rush to only work in one of the big 4, I work in a small accountancy practice and am content to be there - but would like to be able to sign off limited company accounts so, as I want to stay where I am, ACCA is my only option. This small practice is flexible as far as childcare is concerned and I may not get that elsewhere.

- bilal azhar - 02-15-2005

i believe that the main reason of it is age factor.usually on average it takes around six to seven years for brilliant student to pass CA without any mishap and if u get stuck then i might take eight to nine when u pass ca u are atleast 27-28 years old.

in our culture the moment a girl turns 23-24 every body particularly the relatives starts shouting for its marriage.

As most people say that accountants are very boring,unimaginable etc(although i totally disagree with them),it might be another reason.
