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Bank Alfalah's interview - Printable Version

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Bank Alfalah's interview - ali4u3 - 05-25-2005

did any one of u ever experienced of giving interview in bank alfalah or in any other bank...?? wht type of questions they usually ask..???
plz share ur experiences bcz i have an interview on the 2nd of June so i welcome or tips and suggestions if any Wink

Never seek advice from a Chartered Accountant. They are trained to find problems not solutions.

- ZubairPasha - 05-25-2005


- ali4u3 - 05-25-2005

i applied for CASH BATCH OFFICER and i m in karachi
plz add me [email protected]
right now i m online

Never seek advice from a Chartered Accountant. They are trained to find problems not solutions.

- ali4u3 - 05-26-2005

hey friends where are ur comments ...i m still waiting

Never seek advice from a Chartered Accountant. They are trained to find problems not solutions.

- derivativetrader - 05-26-2005

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by ali4u3</i>
<br />hey friends where are ur comments ...i m still waiting

Never seek advice from a Chartered Accountant. They are trained to find problems not solutions.

<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Although, I haven't applied for any positions in Pakistan but I have ample experience of being interviewed(rather gruelled) in financial and professional services firm in London. I hope you may find the following few questions of any use,

1. Tell us about yourself?
2. Have you got anything else to say that isn't on your application / CV / resume letter?
3. Why did you decide to study the subject (or subjects) you are studying?
4. What do you know about the trends in the markets and the industry we are in?
5. What do you think you would be doing in our firm in first few months?
6. Have you tried any other industry? If yes, which one and why? If not, why not?
7. Why should we hire you?
8. What is square root of 4000? (This is just to check whether you can think on your feet).
9. Tell us anything that you have read or heard which affect our firm or industry?
10. What is the population of Nigera? (Again for same reasons as of number 8).

These were some of the questions that I was asked recently for an interview in an investment bank in London. I hope they should give you an indication on what to expect.

The key to succes is not to be able to answer all the questions that you were being asked but to be able to answer those questions in a logical and thoughtful way. For instance, I'm sure not many people would be able to answer number 8 quickly let alone during interview, but if you can get to the answer using logical steps, I'm sure thats what they are expecting.

Good Luck and do let us know how it goes!!