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plz guide me - Printable Version

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plz guide me - asad_433 - 06-20-2005

I have taken the exams of F.A part 2 with the combinations of (maths ,stats,economics)from G.C LAHORE.
i want ur advice that whether i should do A.C.C.A or not? Because i have heard that it is really tough and difficult.But iam interested in doing A.C.C.A. so guide me that should i do or not? i am confused. If i should do it than also tell me that from where i should do CAT and also the starting session of CAT,plz
iam anxiously waiting 4 ur guideness.thx


- turithegreat - 06-20-2005

yaar just go for C.A,C.A is the best


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- Mahtab - 06-21-2005


1.Welcome to the Forum

2.Pray for your success in the FA Exams

3.You have a good combination of the subjects,these will be helpful

4.My advice is you should do ACCA or CA (as adviced by turithegreat)

5.Obviously ACCA/CA is tough and difficult but remember as quoted
in the Forum by a brilliant member"if one can do,everyone can do" can get information and Do ACCA/CAT from
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>For forms,brochures & further nformation,approach our offices in the following cities

ACCA Pakistan
61- C
Main Gulberg
LAHORE 54660

tel +92 (0)42 111 22 22 75
fax +92 (0)42 575 9346
e-mail [email protected]

ACCA Pakistan
603 6th Floor, Fortune Centre
tel +92 (0)21 111 22 22 75
fax +92 (0)21 438 6613
e-mail [email protected]

ACCA Pakistan
Suite 2-A 3rd Floor Ali Plaza
1-E Jinnah Avenue Blue Area
tel +92 (0)51 111 22 22 75
fax +92 (0)51 287 6605
e-mail [email protected] <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
1.University of Lahore
Lahore, Pakistan ( +92 42 587 0645-7
Tuition offered ACCA | CAT

2.SKANS School of Accountancy (Lahore)
Lahore, Pakistan ( +92 (042) 583 7450
Tuition offered ACCA | CAT

3.The Professionals' Academy of Commerce (Ishfaq Ahmed Campus)
Lahore, Pakistan ( +92 42 575 3213
Tuition offered ACCA | CAT |

4.National College of Business Administration & Economics (NCBAE)
Lahore, Pakistan ( +92 42 575 3430
Tuition offered ACCA | CAT

5.Superior College of Accountancy
Lahore, Pakistan ( (92) 0333-4536762
Tuition offered ACCA | CAT |

6.The Professionals' Academy of Commerce - Ravi Campus
Lahore, Pakistan ( 0092 42 575 3213
Tuition offered ACCA | CAT |

7.College of Accountancy & Professional Studies
Lahore, Pakistan ( +92 42 5888081
Tuition offered ACCA | CAT | DipIFR |

8.SKANS School of Accountancy (Gulberg III, Lahore)
Lahore, Pakistan ( +92 (042) 5758510
Tuition offered ACCA | CAT |

9.Centre of Financial Excellence
Lahore, Pakistan ( 92 42 5858500
Tuition offered ACCA | CAT |

10.The University of Lahore, Business School
Islamabad, Pakistan ( 051 282 7645
Tuition offered ACCA | CAT |

11.Beaconhouse Business School (Lahore)
Lahore, Pakistan ( +92-111-100-123
Tuition offered ACCA | CAT | <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>

For further information for ACCA please visit


For further information for CA please visit




- asad_433 - 06-22-2005

thx mahtab bhai for ur guidance.


RE: plz guide me - mahtabmuhammad - 12-12-2015
