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Job prospects in CA - Printable Version

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Job prospects in CA - muhammad zaid - 08-28-2005

i am zaid frm bwp

i am from some background family with financial problems and are there some job prospectus in ca.

after doing my part 1 in ca, I mean that after some two or three years of ca, will i capable of doing some job to meet my expenses?

r there some job oppertunites after doing two or there years of ca or would i have to do the whole ca for a job?

plz send me some suggestions

- Pracs - 08-28-2005


If by two to three years you mean the articles,. that will stretch upto 4 years,. after which you will be able to find a reasonable job. But my advice, aim for completing the CA. It will be pressing on your time but it will be worth the time and the work you do to achieve this.

Other options worth looking at are ACMA, since you can work full time while you are studying for ACMA, but it will not be as rewarding as a CA

- ibrishah - 08-29-2005

Pracs is right u have other options but they donot worth as CA as for as ur financial problems are concern U may find better Job after CA(inter) with Articles but as pracs said u main concern should be completing CA. After that u will be able to have a highly paid job.
May ALLAH help u.


- turithegreat - 08-31-2005

During article ship you can do job?


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- muhammad zaid - 09-04-2005

i also applied in agriculture ,,,
university faisalabad
plz if you have any information about it

kia yeh achi line hai,,, is kay job prospectus achain hai
tell me if any one of you have information

- turithegreat - 09-09-2005

Yaar Agriculture is nothing in the front of C.A


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- ahmar_k - 09-11-2005

hi i like ur comments

- ahmar_k - 09-11-2005

call me

- ahmar_k - 09-11-2005


- ahmar_k - 09-11-2005

hi friends u r good