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Module C books - Printable Version

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Module C books - Zainab - 10-23-2005

ASLAMULAIKUM... I would like to ask about the books , which i should consult<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle> , especially relevant to TAX, pls pls pls do tell me ..

- maani - 10-24-2005

Tax Synopsis of Tax by Mirza Munawar.
Accounting Javed Zuberi's Company Accounts, Cash Flow statements, Construction Contracts, Leases. Mukhergee Vol. 1.+ Study text.
BCBS Study Text.


- zaheer abbas malik - 10-26-2005

salam dear friend.
i wish 2 suggest wt i myself studied in last module c attempt.last taxation paper was a little tricky as compared 2 earlier was a bit i suggest u 2 study synopsis of taxation by munawar mirza.but plz remember study it thoroughly.n income tax + sales tax defination r v important ones as these carries more than 20-25 marks module c take special care abt business communication & behavioural studies ok.its tough 2 study from study text but necessary 2 cover whole study text ok.accounts pac+zuberi both r wishes 4 module b,s result n 4 future ok.pray 4 me as well ok.
take care
zaheer abbas

- noman - 11-28-2005

zuberi books are complex...for final

- Muhammad Adnan Arshad - 11-28-2005

C7 - Financial Accounting (FAC2)-
1 - Class Assignments/Lecture Notes, Handouts etc;
2 - Past Papers of FAC2 by PAC (IPC, LHR);
3 - International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) by PAC.
NOTE A lot of hand-practice is required in FAC2 Paper.

C8 - Taxation (TAX)-
1 - Introduction to Taxation for Module-C by Mirza Munawar Hussain (PAC);
2 - Taxation by PAC (IPC, LHR);
3 - Past Papers of TAX by PAC (IPC, LHR);
4 - Class Assignments/Lecture Notes, Handouts etc.
NOTE A lot of hand-practice is required regarding numericals of Individuals & AOPs' in TAX Paper.

C9 - Business Communication & Behavioral Studies (BCB)-
1 - Class Assignments/Lecture Notes, Handouts etc;
2 - CA-Study Text (Paper-C9) by PB Publications, LHR;
3 - Herta A. Murphy for BC & Frad Luthans for BS/OB (For Detail Studies).
NOTE A lot of hand-practice is required regarding creative writing portion (e.g; letters, reports, proposals, advertisements, job descriptions, memos, agenda etc) of BC in BCB Paper.

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