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Aaaah...these paki executives - Printable Version

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Aaaah...these paki executives - meer - 09-22-2003

Although I am a pakistani and love my country from the deep of my heart but sadly these Corporate Bosses of ours who are more fortunate and god has given them opportunity to rule us they bring nothing but discredit to the entire nation where ever they go, I had an extensive experience of working under Pakistani management , Their lifestyle is much more lavish than any other western corporate executives and most of all they have adopted all the evils of western culture, Parties , drinking, flirting ,(sensored)…they have got private bars at their home and I saw their daughter dancing in indian shows wearing bikinis, and more interestingly I know how have they climbed up the ladders of progression …but…(Sensored)…………really, they have no regard for merit and talent,

- Pervez - 09-22-2003

Hi meer!
Having read your post, i agree with your over all premises. But i would like to bring a different angle to the situation.
First of all, i see nothing wrong with business people having a little social get together at their homes. Drinking is prohibited in our religion, and we should avoid it, but if others are doing it that
are their deeds and they will be held accountable for this.

As far as how others move up in life, it is none of our business so long as it is not done at our expense. I used to get bother about how people worm their way up in life and then i worked on this problem.
Finally, i realized, it is none of my business. Every body is entitled to use whatever means they have to move up in life, so long it is not illegal, and highly unethical. Look, life is neither fair nor a straight path. It is a capital (sensored) and pretty complicated.

The lesson we have to learn is that we develop a set of moral and ethical principles of our own. Once we are committed to them, don't deviate from them.

I assure you merit and talent finally triumph over other means. We should concentrate on enhancing our capabilities and believe me we will be rewarded in the end. For example, if your manager has reached to his position not by being qualified but using other means, and you are qualified for this job, you will bypass him either in the same firm or somewhere else.


Take Care

- Evolution - 09-22-2003

Hey mate! I wud luv to lead that kind of a social life as well as being a corporate hotshot. I mean who would'nt. Dont brand the Western society as evil cuz it is their way of life and if some of us (that does not include me) dont like that kind of culture we have a choice not to adopt them. They might say the same for our culture i.e we breed terrorist. If u wanna be a Mullah go a ahead and be one but dont force or advise others to be one.

P.S How do u know abt these parties and girls in bikinis unless you have gone to one urself.

- smraza - 09-22-2003

meer, if u dont like the doings of these executives, then it would be better that u shouldnt follow them, and what if somebody drinks, goes to parties, has private bars, and their daughters dance in bikinis?
the important thing is what do u do? you should not do (being a muslim) which is forbidden in Islam, we have example Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H), he first proved himself by his doings then he started tableegh of Islam,
so if we all try to follow the sunnah of our Holy Prophet then i think we will be more successful.

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>Although I am a pakistani and love my country from the deep of my heart<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana" size=2 id=quote>
this is reason dear, we are not same in our doings and sayings, if u love Pakistan why were you watching indian show and especially that show in which girls wear bikinis??????????????????
and I m sure, if somebody have seen u overthere, he must be thinking like you and saying "Oooooh yar Meer was watching bikini girls indian show"


- meer - 09-22-2003

Hello Mr pervez.

I am agree withyour point of view, but like to clarify some points, I was talking in the context of a foreign country i.e. U.A.E., as you may know that it is a multicultural society, and there is a tough competition between indian and pakistani here, and these indian's try to exploit their mistakes in order to defame our nation,

my personal point of view is that every person has the right to choose his way provided that it does not effect the society.
Drinking is not a big issue, but the aim of my previous conversation was that a Pakistani who is working on a such a high level post
should not engage in immoral and unethical activities that would surely bring discredit and defamation to the entire nation and the relegion as a whole, When you are working on a senstive post as a CEO of a large insitution in a foreign country you do not reperenst yourself but you represent your country, I've got a heap of stories about them, how did their deeds and action added insult to the injury here in u.a.e., but I wont disclose them " kiyonkay
iss main kuch purdanasheenoon kay naam bhee aatay hain "

I do not want to start another debate what is wrong and right, I just like to clarify some points which you have raised, first of all I never said that western culture does not have positive qualities, such as justice, honesty, etc, what I pointed out that these people have adopted just only the evils of western culture but missed out the good qualities that west possess, secondly I am not a mullah , but if I want to no power on earth can stop me, yes evolution you can easily adopt western clture and life style but be prepared to pay the hidden price in the form of loss of self esteem and even the loss of self-respect and as far as the dancing parties and girls in bikinis are concerned it was the talk of the town here in u.a.e. a couple of years back.

- sajjad_dar2000 - 09-23-2003

hi meer

I think pervez and evolution want to attend Indian parties and they want to dance with Corporate Bosses's daughters thats why they are not agree with you.... let them know the address of parties where CB's daughters dancing take place<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>.

if we are Muslims then we should follow the Islamic role, our prophet Muhammad (PBUP) said ' when you see a 'boraahee' try to stop it by hand, if you cant do with your hand then try it by your tongue and if you are not able to do with your tongue as well, then think it bad in you heart and this would be weakest part of your 'Emaan'.

I think meer doing this with his tongue and if we cant live without Indian dance parties then we should not say 'If u wanna be a Mullah go a ahead and be one but don’t force or advise others to be one'. (evolution) meer giving you a good advice and if you don’t like this advice then don’t ask him 'don’t force or advise others to be one', because I think many other can get his advice.

Nowadays if some one give the religious advice to some one else, in reply they laugh at him and say 'Chupp kar Mullah'.

(Pervez) 'As far as how others move up in life, it is none of our business so long as it is not done at our expense', if some one is doing bad things it doesn’t mean that we should close our eyes we should try to stop it.

(Evolution)'Don’t brand the Western society as evil cuz it is their way of life'.. What you think western society is good, their culture is good and whatever they are doing is right??????. if they are right then is OK otherwise we should say they are 'Baihaya' and 'lantee'.

due to above comments, Now i am on hit list of pervez and evolution 'ALLAH hee Khair Krai'

- Evolution - 09-23-2003

Son! U can go ahead and become a Mullah and i aint stopping u from becoming one cuz u dont affect me whether u do become one or not. Hell, y should it? As far as western culture goes yes I have adopted it and I am damn proud about it. I go on dated, move around with girls, go to parites and have fun cuz I believe that if one is on the rough road to success y not have some fun while u try on ur way. And no my self esteem and self respect are at the highest point so please dont tell me how will I loose it.

One more thing 'dont always believe what u hear. This is how rumours get started'. So chill mate, go to pubs, have fun and live life cuz u r not gonna get a second short at it. Try going on a date, that will probably open a new world to u, one which u havent seen yet.

- Evolution - 09-23-2003

Mr.Sajjad, how r u? I hope life is fun for u (I sincerely do) and no u r not on my hitlist cuz if u were lets face it u would be dead by now(Just kidding). However, no I dont attend Indian parties cuz I dont like em. I prefer Pakistani Clubbin and Jammin and ofcourse Paki babes. And yes I will date my boss's daughter if I think she's sexy. Y not? And ofcourse I am gonna see the movie as well 'My Boss's Daughter'.

Hey u r in the UK, y dont u attend one of the Paki dance clubs and gimme a report. Have fun!

- Evolution - 09-23-2003

Hey! Its me again. I missed out on One thing. If u think the western society is all that bad then first of all what in the hell r u doing there? And secondly if its evil guess what they think abt us 'a bunch of low life terrorist'. The music flows both ways son.

- sajjad_dar2000 - 09-23-2003

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
Hey! Its me again. I missed out on One thing. If u think the western society is all that bad then first of all what in the hell r u doing there? And secondly if its evil guess what they think abt us 'a bunch of low life terrorist'. The music flows both ways son.

<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana" size=2 id=quote>

i am doing 'Tubleegh' (preeching) here and i am trying to tell them that 'Tum subb Khotay dai Puttar how'<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> and i am doing research as well on thair bad calture. what they think about us..... they think we are so good we are so brave even we dont afraid to death (thats way we do souicide attack). i let you know som thing goreeyan (white girls) like to have a Pakistani boy friend.

let me know somethink evolution, dont you proud being Pakistani??????...

S A Dar

Edited by - sajjad_dar2000 on Sep 23 2003 015204 AM

- Pervez - 09-23-2003

Hi Dar!
As Evolution said you are not on my hit list either. I have one very dear principle in this regard


Since i know what you are going through in London, I promise u no retaliation. You know when we get into a discussion about religion, it is touchy and sensitive subject. I believe we should avoid it on a site like ours. It is meant for profession matters, not really social affairs. There are a lot of other avenues for discussing those matters. I think we should use this site for building professional relationships.

What ever you said i don't mind, that is your opinion. Ofcourse, we can always say things in a little bit more refined manner, but that will come with time.

So don't worry, i would suggest you don't spend an undue amount of time on this baord. Remember, you have limited time and resources over there. I think you should use your spare time resting and recreating your energies rather than getting into an argument with pple on this board.

Take care and don't worry i wouldn't eat you alive sometime in near future.!!!!
Good luck with your studies.

Edited by - Pervez on Sep 23 2003 042159 AM

- Evolution - 09-23-2003

Hey Sajjad! Wud luv to have u around when I am on a date. U can be the Chauffer for my Limo (Just kidding). As far as bravery is concerned relating to suicide attacks my friend as u r so religous u do realize that suicide is Haram is Islam.
As far as my patriotism is concerned, if I wasnt one i wud have left this land a long time ago. I want Pakistan to be a Modern Islamic state as so often said by our great General. Pakistan should be more like Malaysia

- smraza - 09-23-2003

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>i am doing 'Tubleegh' (preeching) here and i am trying to tell them that 'Tum subb Khotay dai Puttar how'<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> and i am doing research as well on thair bad calture. what they think about us..... they think we are so good we are so brave even we dont afraid to death (thats way we do souicide attack). i let you know som thing goreeyan (white girls) like to have a Pakistani boy friend.

let me know somethink evolution, dont you proud being Pakistani??????...<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana" size=2 id=quote>
Hey dar, u r doing Tubleegh in UK? as i think we (paki) need more tableegh than gora sb. bcaz if u look at the gora's culture, major of their bad habits are of personal nature, not social nature, i mean u will not be affected by other gora (but being paki u can be), for example if somebody drinks he is allowed to drink as its his personal act, but if u drink and then drive a car, there law becomes active and u r strictly prohibited to do so. but if even the dog of your neighbour barks and u r being disturbed you can go to police station and can complain for that (its my personal experience).
and one thing, is ur tableegh limited to "goreeyan (white girls)" only ??? (Kidding),
and as far as bravery is concerned, i think suicide bombing is not bravery, u must have heard "Taleem insaan ko buzdil banatee hai", its just bcaz a literate person thinks many time before he do something, he thinks on every aspect. but illiterate person dont do so, he thinks after he has done something, and we call his this doing as 'bravery'.
and tell me one thing, should we be proud to be a pakistani if some goriaaaan like us ????????????? doesnt it seem funny Dar ????????


- jbladeus - 09-23-2003

Chill out folks! Everybody over here is an adult and has a logically functioning brain. All of us know what is right and wrong for us. Aap log kyun kissi key phaddey ya lifestyle mein taang aratey ho. If one does good in life, he will be rewarded and if one doesnt he will aptly be punished for it in afterlife. Why do our ppl take it upon themselves to be the moral and religious saviours of society.

I totally agree with Pervez's views on this issue. We all should just try to live OUR lives to the fullest and stay on the right side of the law and our social ethics.

Btw, Daar sahib and meer sahib, where is it written that a person who parties, drinks, flirts or [<font size=4>s</font id=size4>ensored] is an unpatriotic person and he is doing disservice to his country??!!! In my opinion, Gen. Zia ul Haq, who trumpeted Islam and Pakistan all the time created all this mess that we are in nowadays. Similarly, Mr. Pervez Musharraf, who in the eyes of some is a person of lose morals is trying to correct all that.

Finally, now i am dead sure that all you ppl are big time Gillette fans... as u all are in the habit of <font size=4>S</font id=size4>ensoring things rather than <font size=4>C</font id=size4>ensoring them!! <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Arrrgh... it sure's gonna be mighty rough sailin' today ... mates!

- sajjad_dar2000 - 09-23-2003


i would only say 'Bilee kai khawaab main chichray'
