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Want to know about affiliation of firms - Printable Version

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Want to know about affiliation of firms - 4thelement - 03-29-2006

May i know the foreign affiliations of Riaz Ahmed & Co., Avais Hyder Nauman Zamani & co., Khalid Majid Rehman Sarfaraz Iqbal Rafiq Rahim & Co.,
Hyder Bhimji & Co. and other A categories firms except for Anjum Asim and Ebrahim & Co.

- 4thelement - 03-31-2006

i have not asked any difficult questions the worst drawback of these forums are people do have knowledge but they dont wants to spread it

- Pracs - 03-31-2006

I hope this partly answers your question, this is a list of top non big4 firms in Pakistan and not all of them have foreign affiliations,.well actually I think any affiliation apart from the below is really just a name tag,, and would not translate into much.

Anjum Asim Shahid Rahman (Grant Thorton)
Ebrahim & Co.(BDO Stoy Hayward)
Hameed Chaudhri & Co.
Hussain Rehman
Rahman Sarfraz & Co.
Riaz Ahmed & Co.
S A Salam & Co.
S M Masood & Co. (Nexia International)
Mohmammed Idrees Masood (Backer Tilly)
Syed Hussain & Co. (Moore Stephens & Co.)

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