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SUGAR, SNAKE AND WORRIES - javed - 07-02-2006

In life there are certain things which unless we ourselves experience or face the gravity or depth of pain we do not realize. About 23 years back I got diabetes. It was a shock. Every article on the subject coming in newspapers, magazines I started copying and also distributing to others. I paid due heed to every advice and experience of others. I listened and acted on every advice given by any “advertising” Doctor on Radio and TV. I strictly followed the instructions of doctors. The only lacking was that before eating anything I did not practically “weigh” the thing and did not ”measure” the exact calories otherwise before putting anything in my mouth mentally I multiplied how much more calories I was adding in my body.

At the same time I started brisk walking. My daily brisk waling increased to two hours a day may it come rain or storm. The net result was for about 16-17 years my sugar level due to this “extraordinary care” and walking remained under control and I did not need any diabetes control medicine. The other result was that day by day “physically” I was becoming thin thought I already was slim. Gradually my physical inner strength decreased. After 16-17 years the sugar level rose above normal limits and the doctors prescribed me one Diamicron tablet a day. Having read hundreds of articles and advices from every Tom and Dick I was hesitant in using it as to me once medicine used it would be for life and hope for natural cure will vanish. I was referred to special diabetic clinic in a Military Hospital abroad. Incidentally on my appointment day a visiting British Diabetes Expert was sitting on his monthly visit. What he explained me immediately I understood as his explanation was very easy and near to the nature. He told me that every patient, may he be a diabetic patient or a cancer or T,B patient, he has a “honeymoon period”. Initially his level of disease is less, initial dose of a medicine works affectively as well as his body’s natural resistance. But with the passage of time the natural resistance decreases, small low potency dose looses its effect. Likewise the though disease appears to be physically under control nevertheless the disease in fact keeps eating the body from inside making the person more weak and disease affected. He told me this honeymoon period differs from person to person but he had not seen a patient like me who enjoyed 16-17 long years honeymoon period. I understood and started taking the medicine which has now reached to 2 tablets a day.

However now after about 20 years suffering it dawned on me that diabetes is such a disease for which much you “care” the more it “controls” you. After 20 years I learnt that one who cares less about diabetes he remains much better physically than the people like me. It also dawned on me at that late stage that more knowledge is also bad. Had I not read so much articles or had I not given so much care for the disease I would had been much more better. In the meantime I also learnt that while any disease is mostly due to imbalance in our body, avoiding one particular food and taking more the other we create more imbalance in the body which causes more damage. The lesson learnt was that do not avoid anything ALLAH has created. After this 20 years lapse, I started again taking everything including sweetmeats, Biyrani, Mango, ice cream etc though in medium scale. The result was my weakness started reducing and I started re feeling strength in me.

In the mean time I read an article. The writer stated Snake and Diabetes have the same similarity. He stated suppose one has a one single exclusive room house with only one entrance namely the door. He sees a snake creeping into the room. He runs out to bring a stick and in seconds come back to find and kill the snake but the snake in the meantime had disappeared. He pulls out each and everything out of the room, searches each piece and re-settles the room but fear of snake’s presence in the room will never go from his mind unless he himself sees the snake crawling out. The writer stated same is the state of Diabetes. Once a person catches this disease he is always in the fear he might have over eaten increasing his sugar level, he might have taken this food which must have increased his fat level. And this fear of presence of diabetes keeps killing a patient and never goes from him even if his diabetes is under control.

Amongst one of the causes of this disease is said “worries”. I never believed it. I have often experienced myself and seen in the clicks the Doctors enquiring the patient if he had any worry. Our reply always is No, doctor I have no worry. And in fact there appears to be no worry at all

Three months back I was admitted for an operation. Every six hourly my sugar level was checked for 24 hours. At 04.00 am on operation day my sugar level was 5 ml. The nurse told me it was very fine for operation. I was hungry as since 0900 pm previous night I was fasting. At 06.00 am my sugar level was again checked when it was found at 4 ml. I was scheduled to be taken for operation at 07.00 am but it was 07.45 am now. I expressed my fear that my sugar level might have further decreased by this time when the staff checked it and found it at 4.5 which was surprising as .5 ml it has increased. Instead of decreasing it had increased. When I reached in the operation theater preparatory room the surgeon was busy in some earlier operation. I had to wait for about an hour during which period my huger increased. I was afraid I am hungry, my sugar level is 4.5 ml and ny passage of each minute this sugar level will further decrease. After the operation I am again required not to eat anything till next minimum 3-4 hours and this way my sugar will come too low even may come at Zero which was very dangerous. I expressed my fear to Anesthetist that further delay may cause further lowering of sugar. He checked my sugar and this time surprisingly it was 6.5 ml. I told the Anesthesia that glucometers were wrong because my sugar level at 04.00 am was less and without my eating anything it was being shown increased. His answer surprised me and all of a sudden all the material read in the past re-flashed in my mind and I believed that diabetes has a definite link with worry. The Anesthesia told me since I was worried about my sugar, I have a sure fear of operation, my pancreas was producing a secretion which contained glucose and this my sugar level was increasing.

The rise or fall of sugar or any other disease have direct link with one’s “worries” and I learnt that when doctors enquire us if we are worried or not definitely there is something which may not be apparent at that time but biting and killing us .

The lesson I learnt, though very late, was that a diabetic patient should not read much reading material, eat every thing, do not discard any God given food, adjust the food, do not act what doctors say as far as food is concerned, eat everything, do not listen to experiences and advices of others, adjust yourself according to your needs, keep walking, you will remain much better.

- Schuaeb - 07-07-2006

Javed, not many of the members will go through such detailed post completely

- Goodman - 07-08-2006

I believe Mr. Javed's posts are worth all the time. Its his life time experience, kindly keep it coming Mr. Javed.

- Schuaeb - 07-08-2006

Goodman me too mean the same, it perhaps is worth reading. My suggestion just is we should keep our post a bit breif.

- Pracs - 07-08-2006

It worth reading, and believe me, it does not take more than a couple of minutes. Why would memeber not read it,,. I think no one is busy enough ever to ignore issues important to them, do memebers not read newspapers ? books ? or is it that our next generation has shorter 'attention spans'...

- Schuaeb - 07-12-2006

Agreed Pracs, then perhaps the problem is with me, although I gone through all this, I thought its length may keep members from reading all this. Being busy or not is never the case. When I read it I thought it could have been kept a bit brief.