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no tutuion centres of actury how to study? - Printable Version

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no tutuion centres of actury how to study? - sanan_bukharee - 10-21-2003

my name is sanan.i m intermediate student i m intrusted in acturial science,but i heard that there r no tution centre o factury in pak.
Any body can tell me where most of the actury students learn there lessons in pakistan.How they study,r there some groups of actuary students if r then where.any actuary in pak who had done it while studying here.
Pz give me a detail answer.
alah hafiz and take care all.


- sanan_bukharee - 10-22-2003

salam brothers and sisters
no reply make me sad.
sumaan bahee and others pz reply im waiting for ans.


- sumaaan - 10-27-2003

Sorry for the delay... There are NO prominent institutes as such offering classes for Actuarial Sciences...

Actuaries have to study themselves often taking tuitions from tutors of other professions... For example, the accountancy related part of Actuarial Sciences can be taught by a CA or an ACCA teacher...

I will post a new thread/topic on the forum which would contain all the updated Actuarial Sciences information in a couple of days or as soon as I end up finalising all the vital information (websites etc) for it.