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Question on ACCA and MBA - Printable Version

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Question on ACCA and MBA - Madiha Salahuddin - 09-08-2006

Im new to this group plz guide me weather i should choose mba or acca i have completed my B.Com and im stuck between MBA and ACCA is the degree of MBA from any institute affiliated with Karachi university has scope in market or not and is tabbanis is good for accca and what is the market value reply me as soon as possible.

Madiha Salahuddin

- zeba - 09-11-2006

hello madiha.....well confused!!!!!!it happens with everybody.....happened with me too [)]......MBA no doubt is demanding but only some institutes like LUMS n IBA....NUST OFFER A SCOPE 4 MBA...... demanding now a days as far as i think.......madiha if u really want to achieve something different something challenging u must opt for ACCA i would far as MBA is concerned u can have an MBA degree from oxford brookes ACCA QUALIFICATION supports it nd also BSC.HONORS degree 2.......
well madiha......its up to u now to choose ur field coz do ur decisions ur that u can feel ask for guidance but i would advice u to make ur decisions ur self.......nd for further information about ACCA U CAN GO TO <b>WWW.ACCAGLOBAL.COM.</b>


- sherry - 10-08-2006

hello everyone i think mba from lums or iba is the best option bcas it takes less time and also is recognised worldwide. u can check the achievements of iba graduates at "iba at work"

- Xak - 10-09-2006

after doin ACCA, beside those degrees...(as zeba mentioned).. u can also hav alot of exemptions in related institutes.. just like ICAP(till inter CA) n ICMAP( i dont really know to wat level).......
so in shorter time.. u cud be a multiple degrees n certificates holder....professional.. isnt it kool???

- rizwantariq - 10-12-2006

hello madiha, well MBA has lose his scope,but there are institute like, (IBA, Lums) which provide security about job, bcoz to their well reputation(institute), u asked to choose b/t MBA or ACCA, why not others (C.A, ICMA,), as such its ur personal decision. ACCA has good Scope, ACCA is little bit expensive, there are others degrees too(PIPFA,Msc Accounting Finance) this is only for ur information, as to ur desire i recomend u to do ACCA,
its only ur choice, chose that feild in which ur interest, bcoz without interest u can't concentrate well
good luck for ur bright future
for more detail u shall asked me question abt others feild too

- accountingunlimited - 10-13-2006

Dear Madiha
Some of my students specially females doing ACCA and CA found the field difficult because not only it is tuff but you have to work 3 years to put ACCA in front of your name. beside that females doing articles get limited scope as compare to males because of late sittings and visiting factories etc in remote areas (sometimes outside city for number of days). Anyway a good person with MBA degree is getting same salary as fresh ACCA specially in Banking Sector.
If you need any further counselling u can ask for same.
Thank you

- safy007 - 10-13-2006

Dear Madhia

There is no doubt about ACCA Scope but market is very saturated now, every single person is ACCA now and you won't get anything during your 3 years training in chartered firm.

Am ACCA and currently working in London. I found too many ACCA here so difficult to get to compete and get better job. Therefore I decided to do ICAEW inorder to differentiate myself.

I recommend you to do Ca which has better scope.


- FARHAN85 - 10-14-2006

you will get job whatever you do mba or acca
because all wants female employee

- wiki - 10-14-2006

Madiha Salahuddin ...? i m with FARHAN you will get every type of jobs bcoz you a female as you will do mba or acca .this is a time of females not for males (main khud khajal khar ho raha hoon job ka liya magar interview pa larki ko select kar lata hain sala)

- shanin - 10-16-2006

No field is worthless or inferior. Choice of field should base on your own aspiration, employment (Job) market, and feasibility of work envirnoment- as in Pakistan every profession is not fit for girls. However, an other factor is number of job opportunities, which leads to the career security. MBA has more job opportunity than any other fields. So any MBA graduate will have atleast a job. If he/she shows work performance he'll be at some reasonable level of authority in the organization.
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