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ACA Vs MSc - DO ONE, OR BOTH? - Printable Version

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ACA Vs MSc - DO ONE, OR BOTH? - flip_mc - 09-09-2006

what to do????????

My name is dan and im a student doing an accounting degree. i've been doing
>pretty well in my degree so far and am going into my third year with an average
>1st honours, but as i approach the end of my degree i am faced with a decision
>which, i hope, as the director of accounting studies you may be able to help me
>i am trying to decide whether or not to graduate and go into full time
>employment and whilst doing this, go for the ACA qualification to become
>To stay on at shef uni, and hopefully, if i do well enough, to do a masters in
>accounting and then maybe go on to do the ACA at a later point.
>im not too sure which option to take as i am unaware of the true value of the
>Msc to accounting employers and the advantage over other graduates this will
>give me in holding this qualification. i realise that this is another 2 years
>of my life i could potentially waste through not following the right path, but
>if doing an MSc and then going into full time employment means that i would
>start on a much higher salary than other graduates with only a Bachelor's
>degree, then i am convinced that it is not a waste of time and obtaining an MSc
>is not only a 'prestige' thing, but also another 'weapon' i can use on my cv to
>get those top jobs that everybody is trying to work towards getting.
>i understand that doing an MSc will immerse myself into the deeper aspects of
>accounting, something that i am very interested in, but i am also afraid that
>taking these further 2 years out of my life will be costly (in terms of the
>small advantage this may give me over 'normal' graduates) rather than
>doing an ACA is great because i can earn whilst still advancing myself through
>gaining this qualification; meaning that i can go on to do bigger and better
>things through my 'chartered' status - but will doing an MSc have the same
>impact on my cv? or in your opinion, with regards to also financial prospects,
>should an MSc only be undertaken to achieve a higher level of academic
>excellance and those who do an MSc should disregard the financial rewards of
>completing these further 2 years?
>Without trying to sound too much like a cliche, i would like to get myself into
>a postion where, as an accountant, i am as developed as much as i can be with
>regards to academic excellance and knowledge, in the shortest amount of time
>possible, but i also want to experience the financial rewards of doing this at
>the same time.
>i want to know if missing out on the opportunity of doing an MSc will affect my
>chances in getting where i want to be, and at the same time, i don't want to be
>coming back to uni as a mature student to do something i could have done next
>any help/advice/information is greatly appreciated guys!

- ausmanpk2001 - 09-13-2006

well. ACA or ACCA will be a very good option.

These are professional qualifications & will help you much more in your career rather than MSc

I advise you to go for ACCA, you can get an MBA Finance after you ACCA thru ACCA partnership with Oxford Brookes University

MSc is good but after being an ACA & having an MBA Finance with your BAchelors degree & experience atr some good firm I dont think that any MSc will be able to compete with you

Best of Luck