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PAC vs SKANS - Printable Version

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PAC vs SKANS - uvahidy - 09-27-2006

hey guys
i live in lahore and i want to join CA classes as an MFC student . but i am in little confusion that which institution should i join some says PAC is better than SKANS and some says SKANS is better than PAC and some says it is nothing to do with the institution . if you can help me to solve this problem than do paste your worthy comments.

- Schuaeb - 09-28-2006

As I had been a skansite so my vote is for SKANS.

Both the colleges are well reputed, perhaps, PAC has got some better repute.

And especially for MFCs PAC is always suggested, because one may encounter the serious CC issue in Skans.


- capricorn_me - 09-28-2006

yes, for CA pac is better then others(in lahore)

- Schuaeb - 09-29-2006

PAC I believe is not the best in Lahore for CA. Recommending PAC for MFCs rather than SKANS is due to some else reasons.


- Pracs - 09-29-2006

I see it more of as a TIME vs. NEWSWEEK thing, isn't it ?

- uvahidy - 09-29-2006

bundles of thanks for all of your replies
is there any specefic reason that PAC is better than SKANS . because i have often seen that the insitutions which are well reputed , have very
careless behaviour towards there students .

- Schuaeb - 10-08-2006

Nice joke Pracs, such debates have got no conclusion, but I don;t know why they go on.

- Pracs - 10-09-2006

Well, you know how it is , we do like to Debate for nothing,. quite frankly PAC was quite good in the times of the Late Ishfaq Sb. and even in my times (which is ages ago) it was good for Foundation (as we called it)and SKANS had quite a good number of experts for Professional exam, then ther was Naveed sb. ki academy (where Naveed sb. was quite the maestro in accounting). So it all depends who is running what these days and frankly speaking does not make much of a difference, it is you the student who has to STUDY,. its not a Uni course, CA is a porfessional exam, which means you are on your own !!

- Schuaeb - 10-12-2006

No doubt that a student has to work at his own. But still examples show that institute does matter even in the case of CA. That is one of the reasons that colleges other than PAC and SKANS are not producing desirable results. One more college we have to add that is CAPS or Naveed Sahab ki academy. And the latest is equally reputed for professional stage alonwith Mr. Mabool's University of Accountancy and Finance.

Pracs it seems that your time is not ages ago LOLZZ. One thing has changed these days SKANS is not ahead of others for Professional studies.

- Pracs - 10-12-2006

Acha, tau Naveed sb, ki Academy is now CAPS... Well SKANS was probably thought to be better of for professionals primarily because of Maqbool sb. he used to be the mastero in SFM and AA.. (although I have seen people dozzing of in his class too!!)isn't UAF a venture of ICAP ?

- Schuaeb - 10-17-2006

Now Mr. Maqbool is not in Skans and this probably is one of the reasons that Skans is not considered better for professional. I have n't yet got the experience of attending Mr. Maqbools, Mr. Naveeds or Mr. Jafar's lectures, so can't say anything. However their students always considered them best.

UAF is registered with ICAP.


- maani - 10-22-2006

I joined Mr. Maqbool's university of Lahore for PSTC, and attended trial classes for other Mod C subjects and got a high level of dissatifaction from that trial.......

- Pracs - 10-23-2006

Is he running University of Lahore, Accounting and Finance dept. (which makes sense)or is it University of Accounting and Finance (which I thought was to be comissioned/chartered by ICAP as its flagship centre of academia)

So which one is it, maani, Schuaeb.. others in Lahore ?

- maani - 10-24-2006

Its University of Lahore (Accounting and Finance), offering M.Sc and B.Sc Accounting and Finance.....

- Muhammad Ilyas Bubak - 11-01-2006

PAC is the best one in Lahore for CA study than any other.