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which college - Printable Version

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which college - roni - 10-14-2006

hi budds
must be doing great all of ya.just wana ask u somethin.
in which college should i take classes of module c in islamabad.which is da better.i wont say best coz none of them is.
waiting in for response.[)]

- shanin - 10-16-2006

The most difficult and risky descision in Pakistan and some other developing coutries. It depends and differ studnet to student. If I suggest a boy to join LUMS for MBA. He says I am not interested in Management Sciences, or his academics are so poor or he cannot afford lums financially. I suggest MSc Physics from Quid e Azam University (Islamabad) and the Boy says "I dont have major of Physics in Graduation". You may reffer
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