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which grade - Printable Version

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which grade - roni - 10-15-2006

hi ppl i wana ask u something.that a qualified charered accountant ges which grade in govt. job if he do so.(although it is a rubbish idea to job in govt sector.)anyways can anyone tell me.

- derivativetrader - 10-16-2006

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by roni</i>
<br />hi ppl i wana ask u something.that a qualified charered accountant ges which grade in govt. job if he do so.(although it is a rubbish idea to job in govt sector.)anyways can anyone tell me.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

I think it would be either BPS 18 or 19.

- ausmanpk2001 - 10-20-2006

Some years ago I read an ad in Daily Jang for BPS 20 asking for MBA/MCom & ACMA with some years experience ( I don't remember how much) and CA's without any years experience.

But I think that was one of the exceptions. Treat CA equal to a Master's degree in government job.