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Do Firms comply with ICAP regulations? - Printable Version

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Do Firms comply with ICAP regulations? - Sarfaraz - 11-13-2006

Dear All

Is there any firm in Pakistan which is complying with the following regulations by ICAP?


these can be seen on ICAP's website named as Training Regulations and guidelines.

- Schuaeb - 11-17-2006

Firms have to comply with these regulations. For the application of these regulations firms were divided in three categories.

Firms having more than 10 partners
Firms having 5-10 partners
Firms having less than 5 partners

These regulations have been applied on the first category, application on second category is under way and these would be applied on third categories afterwards.

No idea what is the procedure different firms have adopted to comply with these regulations.


- Sarfaraz - 11-20-2006

Dear Schuaeb

As per you These regulations have been applied on the first category, Is there any person working in the firms of first category claims that his/her firm is complying all the regulations?

That was my question and are all of us aware of our rights and obligations under these trainee regulations coz our trainee agreement with our firm is subject to these regulations.

- Schuaeb - 11-22-2006

Hmm Sarfraz you are asking a different question. I don't exactly know how implementation of these regulation going, however, there is always some difference between what is said and done

- ibrishah - 11-25-2006

well, to be very there is not even a single firm that comply with all the regulations of ICAP including the big 4.