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FA II woes - Printable Version

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FA II woes - Nauman - 11-15-2006

I have no idea whats wrong, I passed Module A and B in first attempt, cleared two papers (Tax and OBBC) of C in first attempt and more than half of D in first attempt and come today I have cleared module A, B and D but still my FA II is not yet cleared [(] I worked really hard this time around in FA II, did the past papers atleast thrice, studied through IAS, did the study text, revision kit and any financial accounting question I could find but on the day of papers everything was messed up. No time management, half complete questions and what not. So any idea where I am going wrong? I did A, B, C and D from Islamabad but now my family has shifted to Lahore so I am looking for a FAII teacher in Lahore, got any recommendations?

- insaan - 11-16-2006

yaar in FA2 examiner focus has changed
now hez going towards totally conceptual papers
it isnt now simply a matter of just attempting PAC Q's
i wud say Ur 200% focus shud be on IAS's,go through IASs...understand it..hav a firm grip...ask Q's from Urself...Think critically wat Q examiner can ask from that IAS...apply Ur understandings to real life....discuss with others....
and the top of all...learn to manage ur time...

at the end of the day when u r well prepared...attempt exams at home...creating a virtual exam situation and Ur exam time shud be 2 hrs not3 hrs....try to acheive 80% hallmark atleat at home...

for gud Q's on IAS hav a look at AFR papers..i.e. module E papers...infact our examiner is really now setting final level Q's,simply due to ever increasing competition...n hez fair in doing dat...

i hope dat wud b helpful....

- Nauman - 11-16-2006

Thanks for the reply insaan, any idea where I can get latest copies of IASs? Are they available at ICAP office? if not any place in Lahore where I can get these from? I think my main problem is time management, this time around I knew 5 questions but could only attempt 1 question 100 percent, says alot doesnt it (

- insaan - 11-17-2006

check this link.