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MBA or ACMA - Printable Version

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MBA or ACMA - fm274 - 12-13-2006

Assalam O Alikum

I'm an engineer and network administrator by profession. But I'm very interested in the fields of economics, finance etc. Due to my job timings and other commitments, I am unable to attend regular/ evening classes and only able attend distance learning program.

Now I have 02 options for distance learning. One is MBA from Virtual University and other is ACMA from ICMAP. I'll be oblidged, if anybody could guide me which one is more suitable for me?

- khurm786 - 12-18-2006

look man i heared that ACMA IS BIT difficult then MBA but it has cool opertunities for job as compared to MBA in financial markets.
ACMA related to costing Associated Cost Managment Acoountant
and in MBA you can do masters in any field like Marketing, Finance, Human Resuource Managemet, Risk Managemet. now its up to you

- dumbo - 12-18-2006

only a little bit diffcult ! ! ! ?
kioon marwa rahe ho bichare ko bhai