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The zakat - Printable Version +- Accountancy Forum (https://www.accountancy.com.pk/forum) +-- Forum: The Profession (https://www.accountancy.com.pk/forum/forum-the-profession) +--- Forum: Accounting and Audit (https://www.accountancy.com.pk/forum/forum-accounting-and-audit) +--- Thread: The zakat (/thread-the-zakat) |
The zakat - NMU - 11-17-2003 Hy ! We finished our study, but one of my collegues said that he heard that the zakat (one of the five pillars of the Islam) is about to be reconsidered and even let go... I explaind to him that he is wrong, but he didn't give up his ideea... i become very angry and i promised him that I'll prove to him that he is wrong wiht some stong arguments. So, what can you say about thisHe is wrong isn't he ? I beg you to answer my qestions. Is very important to me! Thanks! - smraza - 11-17-2003 <BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>he heard that the zakat (one of the five pillars of the Islam) is about to be reconsidered and even let go... <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote> Sorry dear, I m unable to understand your question, so please elaborate the question. and is it related to accounting and audit ??? are you talking about At-Source deduction of Zakat under Zakat and Ushr Ordinance ???? S M R - Bowman - 11-17-2003 <BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote> one of my collegues said that he heard that the zakat (one of the five pillars of the Islam) is about to be reconsidered and even let go... <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote> Sorry, I dont understand your question. However if your friend meant that Zakat is being reconsidered and the deduction may not be mandatory, then he is wrong. Zakat, as you mentioned is one of the five pillars of Islam and its payment have been ordered by God Almighty through Quran and it cannot be 'let go' by any consensus of mortals, as such will be against the very basics of Islam. - smraza - 11-17-2003 Hey bowman, let me correct you, two years back, It was mandatory to deduct the Zakat on Dividends etc. for every one except the Ehle Tashee, but now it is optional, if you belong whatever sect, if u submit a declaration that "Zakat should not be deducted on the my payment" then the payer cannot deduct the zakat, he will just deduct income tax as per rules. However I agree with you, that Zakat being one of the five pillars of Islam and its payment have been ordered by God Almighty through Quran and it cannot be 'let go' by any consensus of mortals, as such will be against the very basics of Islam. S M R Edited by - smraza on Nov 17 2003 50706 PM - Bowman - 11-21-2003 <BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote> Hey bowman, let me correct you, two years back, It was mandatory to deduct the Zakat on Dividends etc. for every one except the Ehle Tashee, but now it is optional, if you belong whatever sect, if u submit a declaration that "Zakat should not be deducted on the my payment" then the payer cannot deduct the zakat, he will just deduct income tax as per rules. <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote> SMR, true about that optional thing, but I was not talking about the Zakat deduction system as regularised through Zakat and Ushr ordinance in Pakistan. I am against this system when the state forcefully deducts zakat from bank accounts (no matter zakat is payable or not) and the usage of those zakat funds in not accounted for. As far as i believe, the zakat so collected in this manner seldom used for its intended purpose. In Islam, zakat is payable by every person who is Sahib-e-Nisab, no matter what fiqah he follows. - smraza - 11-21-2003 Agreed Bowman <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle> SMR - NMU - 11-21-2003 What I meant to say is that I thought that Islam is going to give up zakat as a tax. The zakat is deductyble for everyone or only for the individuals which fullfill some special condition ? One more question The main principle of the islamic economy is Social justice, but I can see that there are quite big diffrences of wealth in your society.There are very rich people, and very poor people haw came the diffrences are so big if the social justice is a very important principle of your economy and the zakat is payed by every muslim ? please excuse my english, If you don't understand tell me and i'll try to fix the problem Keep in touch!Bye! - jbladeus - 11-22-2003 Hi NMU Let me try to explain this in as simple terms as possible. As bowman said that zakat is payable only by ppl who are 'Sahib-e-nisab'. This term is used in our language for those ppl who are well to do and earn enough to take care of themselves and their families and can afford to make donations to charities. The answer to your second question is that currently we DO NOT have the islamic economic system as presecribed by quran and sunnah in our country. We still follow the traditional capitalistic economic model. You must also be reading the messages posted in this topic which are primarily concerned with finding loopholes in even the current zakat system applicable in our country, which i might say is not perfect and needs a thorough review. <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle> ________________________ Arrrgh... it sure's gonna be mighty rough sailin' today ... mates! - NMU - 11-26-2003 Thanks a lot! But i still don't understand Islam....i thought that Shari'ah Islami'ah is everything for you...-))) You give up in front of the capitalist world....<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> - jbladeus - 11-26-2003 There aint any difficulty in understanding Islam NMU. Its has quite simple and logical concepts. Its the adherents of these concepts, ie. the muslims, who can be quite difficult to understand. <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle> We believe that indeed Shariah is the ideal moral code for everybody, not just muslims because it preaches equality, justice and compassion for all humanity, regardless for race, creed or social background. But at the same time, we recognise that quite a lot of research work has to be performed in order to develop practical ways and means to implment this code in our lives. This work is being done simultaneously in the universities throughout the islamic world. After these practical methods have been developed, they will be implemented. All this takes some time and patience on everybody's part. <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle> Till that time, we will have to suffice with the exisiting system, that is capitalism. ________________________ Arrrgh... it sure's gonna be mighty rough sailin' today ... mates! - Paki - 11-27-2003 NMU there are two basic sects (what I say 'outshoots' of Islam, cause I dont think having a difference or 'sects' is wrong, its wrong when u cant tolerate those differences, but that's another issue) for one of those sects, they think that zakat is not obligatory (or so I think) (even some of the people from this sect, I have heard them say they dont let the govt. deduct zakat cause the govt. would use it in unIslamic ways so they spend zakat by themselves.) for the other sect, zakat is obligatory. so as you should expect in a 3rd world country the govt. was more interested in grabing funds out of the people to make way for their own luxuries they thought zakat could prove to be very handy, so what they did , they imposed zakat deduction on bank accounts and on dividend payments (while majority of this deals with 'artificial persons' and zakat is on real persons and not on business entities). and as many people have said here that now the govt. has made the deduction on bank accounts optional cuz there was an unrest among public that was dividing them and besides its a tradition that people here pay zakat themselves. As far as reconsidering zakat's position in Islam is concerned, it wont change cause it is mentiond in The Holy Quran, so nobody can change that. (this u can quote your friend to if u like) You say that 'you dont understand Islam' BECAUSE 'WE are leting go Islam infront of capitalism'???? I cant see how can our behaviour should affect your undersanding of Islam??? I mean if a muslim is doing something unislamic or stupid (like giving up Islam) this doesnt mean that Islam is wrong. If you want to understand Islam , you should consult The Holy Quran, and other Islamic books and scholars (dont look at what muslims are doing cause if they were following Islam they wouldnt be in such mess) Me rulz - NMU - 11-29-2003 Very interesting indeed...I think that you should live in a islamic country to understand it correctly... thanke you for answering my questions ! Keep in touch! Bye! - XBRL - 12-21-2003 well members i guess we shouldnt talk abt the pakistani system or rules of sect. regarding zakat dedusction, collection and its usage. coz pakistani system do not depicts a pure islamic values. ( and i wonder if any country after the 1400 years i able to implement pure islam) We are as per our president a moderate islamic country.. ( however in islam there are ceratin valuve which one has to do or adopt .. no moderation is accepted .. eg. five times prayers is a must and no moderation and non muslims may say this as a rigid ,,, and zakat is one of the pillar of islam like Namaz)))) |