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FAVOURITE BOOKS - idreesdurrani - 04-10-2007

<font color="blue"></font id="blue"><font size="4"></font id="size4"><font face="Century Gothic">There is an old adage that books are the best companions of a person.
Off Course, being a muslim the most important book for us is the Holy Quran, and abiding by its principles, we can benefit the most from it than any other book in the world. But Islam asks us to continue our quest for knowledge.

A good book broaden one's horizons; bringing new ideas. I invite all respectable members of this forum to share with others their favourite books, be it related to the profession, biographies, social issues or religious.

O Lord! Increase me in knowledge, Ameen.</font id="Century Gothic">

- kamranACA - 04-10-2007


It is nice to initiate this topic as it will introduce new books to the members which may be of greatest utility for any one. I like so many books including religious, professional, fictional and general books.

- In religious books I like SAHI BUKHARI. In my view, a muslim cannot understand Islam in true sense unless he has studied Hadees books along with the understanding of Holy Quran. In all HADEES books, SAHI BUKHARI has its own level. I loved to read it when I got a chance some 4 years back.

- In professional books, I like various books written by Doctor Aswath Demodaran on practical issues of financial modeling, a book on management accounting by COLLIN DRURY, financial management by VAN HORN, and the latest version of IFRSs. These provide immense knowledge, if properly understood by some one.

- In novels, I like RAJA GIDH and HAASIL GHAAT by Bano Qudsia (Wife of Ishfaq Ahmed).

- In general books, I like TALASH, ALIPUR KA AILEE and ALAKH NAGRI of Mumtaz Mufti and SHAHAB NAMA by Qudrutullah Shahab. These books certainly widen the basic idealogy.

- Among ploitical ones, I liked PUNJAB KA MUQADDAMA by Haneef Ramay, AUR LINE KATT GAI by Maulana Kausar Niazi, IN THE LINE OF FIRE by Pervaiz Musharraf and MY FEUDAL LORD by Mrs. Kharr.

Further, I read the report of KENNETH STARR about the Monica case of Clinton, and It was amazing.

Hope the others would also contribute.

Best regards,


- Muhammad Amir - 04-13-2007

hmmmmmm i only read course related books simply because i don't have much time to read others but i read islamic books whenever i have time....i read "TAMBII-HUL-GHAFFILLEN", "TAQWIAT-UL-EEMAN", "DIFFERENT BOOKS OF MUFTI-E-AZAM SAUDI ARABIA SHAIKH ABUDULLAH BIN BAZZ(DAMAT-BARKATIHAM-AALIA)" BECAUSE hazrat mufti sahab has written a lot about "Beliefs(AQAIDS)" and as all know about the biddatts in pakistan i really like those books of shaikh sahab.....and i once again advise all of you to read "TAQWIAT-UL-EEMAN by Shah Ismail Shaheed(Raheemullah)" because this book is written absolutly in the indian context and pointed out lot about beliefs of Indian muslims generally.....
I also read a book named as "STATUS-what it is and how to acheive it" of Phillipa Davies....... a good book for you personlity..but there were some clauses which i think will only work in UK and USA socities... I also read some books of stephen covey..he really is good writer infact he had visited pakistan recently....

- kamranACA - 04-14-2007

Apprise us about the books of Mufti-e-Azam Shaikh Abdullah Bin Bazz and about their availability.

I have read TAQWIAT-UL-EEMAN. Shah Ismail Shaheed (R.H) and Syed Ahmed Brailvee (R.H) are from my ideals.



- Muhammad Amir - 04-14-2007

Yes SHAH ISMAIL SHAHEED(rehamtuallah) has really done what he should do as a Family of Great scholar "SHAH WALI-UALLAH SAHAH(Rehmatullh)"... a you know he has got very strickt allegations on him after writing this book...he has faced a fatwa on him(Naozubillah)...that bad a those people who did this were really the toe lickers of victoria

- Muhammad Amir - 04-14-2007

dear these books(of Mufi-e-Azam Saudi Arabia)... is only available in saudi-arabia...and thse books were given to my parents when they went MASHALLAH to HAJJ last year..because as we all know that saudi arabian government is much more keen in beliefs of pakistani people thats why they last time distributed these books to all pilgrims of pakistan... and i was very happy after such activity of saudi government....may ALLAH(S.W.T) give them more resources to preach right path of islam to we all know about strong beliefs of Arab people... I appreciate them...i think these books will also be available in Karachi at DAR-UL-ISHAAT..of Moulana Wali Razi Usmani....

- idreesdurrani - 04-16-2007

<font color="blue"></font id="blue"><font size="5"></font id="size5"><font face="Century Gothic">Let me share with you some of my personal favorites

Zawiya (1-10) by Ishfaq Ahmad
Labbaik by Mumtaz Mufti
The Conclusive argument from God (the translation of Hujjat ul Baligha by Shah Wali ullah), it really is a masterpeice;
Mohammad (P.B.U.H) at Maakh
Mohammad (P.B.U.H) at Madina These two books are written by the same author. I don't remember the names, as it is quite some time now, but really good biographies of our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

Mr. Kamran you mentioned about those books on financial modelling written by Doctor Aswath Demodaran. Can you tell me from where I can get these books?

O Lord! Increase me in knowledge, Ameen!</font id="Century Gothic">