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Excellent book International Acoounting Standards - Printable Version

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Excellent book International Acoounting Standards - coool_dude1 - 04-11-2003

I great new book on IAS is available at Adnan Book Stall, Urdu Bazar, Karachi


I feel that this should be in the book shelf of every one dealing with IAS, specially the students of Module E in ICAP

- coool_dude1 - 04-22-2003

Available at Adnan Book Stall, Urdu Bazaar, Karachi
Phone Number 2632060

Also available at Al-Wahid Photo State

- coool_dude1 - 08-22-2003

Did anyone read this book

Comments would be appreciated

- coool_dude1 - 08-22-2003

Book Description

A one-stop resource for understanding current IAS guidelines
As the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) makes
progress towards widespread acceptance and use of its standards in
practices, the need to understand the new standards increases.
International Accounting Standards 2003 provides the tools for
understanding those standards and offers expertise on how to use and
implement them. This essential guide covers the new standard on
accounting for agricultural operations, IAS 41, as well as new
guidelines produced by the IASC's Standing Interpretations
Committee. Reflecting the IASC's commitment to developing simplified
accounting standards to be applied to emerging markets, new
financial reporting techniques in this arena are also covered in
detail. IAS 2003 is the only reference necessary for keeping up-to-
date with the latest IAS regulations.
Barry J. Epstein, PhD, CPA (Chicago, IL), is a partner at Gleeson,
Sklar, Sawyers & Cumpata LLP in Chicago, Illinois.
Abbas Ali Mirza, ACA, AICWA, CPA (Sharjah, UAE), is a partner at
Deloitte & Touche in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

All in all IAS 2003 is a must buy for all dealing with IASs. Due to
lack of current textbook in international accounting this book
becomes more that a reference for a professional. It will also be
useful source for accounting students and teachers wishing to better
understand the IASs.

- sumaaan - 08-23-2003

Thank you for the information.

I'm sure the forum students will benefit from your posts.

It would be better if you post the topic in ONE section of the website rather than starting the same topic in different sections.

- coool_dude1 - 09-20-2003

yeah sure sumaan

- n/a1 - 09-20-2003

Can th book be found in Lahore??????????????

- coool_dude1 - 09-30-2003

i really dont know if this book is available in lahore

- coool_dude1 - 10-23-2003

Great news

The price of this book has been reduced to Rs. 200 only

Available in Urdu Bazar Karachi and Al Wahid PhotoCopy

Contact Adnan Book Stall , Urdu Bazar
Phone Number 2632060

- coool_dude1 - 12-22-2003


- Frank - 01-09-2005

Hello! friends.

Adnan Book Stall (Tel 2632060) charged me Rs. 300/- for this IAS-2003 book, last week. Later, I came to know that this book's being sold for Rs. 200/- only, at Petiwala (although book prices are a bit higher there, too. A BIG 50% OVERCHARGE of Rs. 100/- by Adnan Book Stall to a student.

I, therefore, recommend my fellow students to be aware of such advertisements aimed at marketing book stalls and deceiving them.

Thank you.

- jbladeus - 01-09-2005

I think I should also start doing something like this. The profit margins are just too good in this.

Thanks for informing us Frank. If you make good use of this book, the loss of these 100 bucks wont matter much. <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

Arrrgh... it sure's gonna be mighty rough sailin' today ... mates!