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ICAP recommended study material for CA-Inter - Printable Version

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ICAP recommended study material for CA-Inter - Muhammad Adnan Arshad - 12-09-2003

List of recommended reading/reference material of ICAP-
Reference Material for CA Studies-
*ICAP recommended books.
*Daily class lecture notes & reference material.
*Class assignments & quizzes.
*Papers of your RAET ( term tests question papers ).
*Past papers of ICAP.( PAC,Ishfaq Publishing Co.Lahore,Recommended by ICAP)
*& all other text recommended by your RAET.

CA-Intermediate Eaminations-
C7-Financial Accounting-2 (FAC-2 or FAC)-
*Business Accounting by Frankwood,I,II
*Book-keeping & Accounts ...Spicer & pegler.
*Advanced Accounts by M.C.Shukla & T.S.Grewal.
*Advanced Accounts by William Pickles.
*Principles of Accounting by M.A.Ghani.
*Fundamentals of Accounting by Niswonger & Fess.
*Accounting--Basis for Business Decisions...Meigs & Meigs.
*International Accounting Standards published by IASC.
*Company Accounts & Cash-flow statements by Javi-H-Zuberi.
*Advanced Accounting by R.L.Gupta.
*A.T.Foulks Lynch,Karachi.
*PBP,CA-Study Text.

*Income Tax Ordinance,2001 & Rules,2002. Notifications,Circulars Govt.of Pakistan/S.A.Salaam,8th Edition.
*Practical Taxation by Ikram-ul-Haq.
*Income Tax Law with Practical Problems by Prof.Dr.Khawaja Amjad Saeed
*Sales Tax Act,1990 & Rules. by Govt.of Pakistan/S.A.Salaam,8th Edition.
*Synopsis of Taxation by Munawar Hussain Mirza.PAC Lahore.
*PBP CA-Study Text.
*Guide to Income Tax Law..Raza Naqvi.

C9-Business Communication & Behavioural Studies (BCBS)-
*BCBS by PBP CA-Study Text.
*Organizational Behaviour by Fred Luthans.
*Management & Organizational Behaviour by Laurie.J.Mullins.
*IPS Communication Book,latest edition by Joseph.A.Devito.
*IPS Communication by Prof.William Heney.
*InterplayThe process of Interpersonal Communication by Ronald B.Adler Lawrence & B.Rosenfeld.
>>PSTC CERTIFICATE (100 hours)-To be submitted with MOD-C exams.
*The Agile Manager Guide to giving Great Presentations by Jeff Olson.
*Making Presentations by Tim Hindle.
*How to Develop Self-confidence & Influence people by public speaking by Dale Carneigie.
*Successful Presentation Skills by Andrew bradbury.
*Successful Presentations for Dummies..Dummy Series.
*Audio/Video cassettes..Available at British Council.
D10-Company Law(CLW)-
*Companies Ordinance,1984 & rules....Govt.of Pakistan.
*Companies (issues of capital)Rules,1996..Govt.of Pakistan.
*Company Law & Practice in Pakistan..Prof.Dr.Khawaja Amjad Saeed
*Company Law & Practice in Pakistan by A.G.Chaudhary.
*Company Law & Practice in Pakistan & Corporate Handbook.....Luqman baig.
*Lectures on CLW by N.H.Shah.
*Introduction to Company law...M.H.Bokhari.
*Company Law for CA Inter.students level only...PAC,Ishfaq Publishing Co.Lahore.

*Practical Auditing by Spicer & pegler.
*Principles of Auditing...F.R.De Paula.
*Principles & Procedures of Auditing..Prof.Dr.Khawaja Amjad Saeed
*Auditing..Milli Champ.
*Fundamentals of Auditing...R.K.Mantz.
*Manual of Auditing(students edition)..V.C.Cooper.
*Auditing Today by Emile Wolf.
*Int.Aud.St. & Int.Aud.Practices Statements by ICAP.
*Auditing,PBP CA-Study text.
*Inter.Aud.Stand. of Auditing..PAC/Ishfaq Publish.Co.LHR

D12-Cost Accounting(CAC)-
*Cost Accounting..Charles I Horngren.
*Cost Accounting..Matz,Curry,Frank & Khan.
*Cost Accounting..W.W.Bigg.
*Cost Accounting..Blocker & Weltmer.
*Cost Accounting & Costing Methods...H.J.Wheldon.
*Terminology of Cost Accounting..CIMA London..UK
*Cost Accounting..PBP CA-Study Text.

D13-Information Technology-II (IT-2 or IT)-
*IT-2,Study material Published by ICAP.
*PBP CA-Study Text.
*A.T.Foulks Lynch,Pakistan.
*Computing in Business Studies by H.Lucas.
*Computers by Long & Long.
*MIS,Conceptual Foundation,Structure & Development..Gordon.B.Davis.
*Computing by J.L.sardinas.
*Computres Today by Donald H.Sanders.
*MISs' by David Kroenke.
*Computed oriented Business Systems...Wayne.S.Boutell.
*Systems Analysis & Designs by Kendall & Kendall.
*Managing & Accounting for ISs..J.E.Cooks & B.H.Dury.
*Information Management-Guidance & Revision... Viva Books Pvt.Ltd.India.

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